Chapter Eight

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Lauren POV

I turned and glared at Eli, Tyler,and their other friends.

Tyler came up to me, "Wow! Whoever threw that has good aim,"

"Wow you complementing yourself Tyler?" asked Angie sarcastically.


"Who threw it?" I asked Ryan one of their friends.

"I can't say," he said and he walked away.

Sabrina went over to then to see who threw it. The whole time Tyler kept on complementing the throw and where it hit. Sabrina made her way back over to us.

"I know who threw it,"

"Who?" Angie and I asked at the same time.

"I can't tell you,"

"What? What was the point of going over there if your not going to tell us?" I asked.

"I just can't tell okay," she said and walked away.

"Is she mad at us?" Angie whispered to me.

"Maybe. Probably," I replied back and Tyler walked up to us.

"Hey Lauren,"

"Get the Fuck away from me!" I shouted at him.

I was MAD. Mad at the person who threw the orange and mad at people who were laughing about it. We started doing our daily walk around the school.

"Tyler who was it really?" Angie asked as we walked past where he was.

"Fine, it as Eli," said Tyler.

"I knew it!" I cried out and we made our way to were Eli was walking to the basketball court.

"Wow, Eli thanks a lot," I told him and Angie did the shame sign.

"What? Now you guys think it's me?" His smirk didn't help the cause.

We walked away leaving him to whatever he was doing.

"Do you really think it was him?" Angie asked me.

"Yes! He had a FREAKING smirk on his face!" I nearly shouted.

"Shhhhh. Kay but I don't believe Tyler," Angie said.

"I do. I want to wipe Eli's smirk off his face with a hand sanitizing wipe," I told her.

"Wow Lauren," she said and laughed.

Jamie POV

I walked inside and it was perfect timing. It was like a spirit blew a cloud over the school. Right when we got inside it started raining.

Pitter patter pitter patter.

"Damn, these rain clouds are angry" Charlie said as the rain stormed on the windows.

"Please be quiet and sit down," our teacher told us and we sat down and 'enjoyed' our Heath elective.

After elective we got dismissed to lunch.

"Yay! Finally lunchtime!" Sabrina said and booty bumped me.

"Sabrina can you not booty bump me," I asked her as I fell and dropped my lunchbox.


"Do you know that we get dismissed at 12:20 today?" asked Josh as we got into the lunch room. This week was parent teacher conferences so we had shortened days.

"I know," Angie said looked at the clock.

"5 minutes until schools done," Lauren said and we continued eating our lunches.

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