Chapter Four

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Jamie POV

I got out of bed and checked the calendar. My fears were right. Today was Valentine's Day.

Great. Perfect. Ugh.

I put on a tie dye shirt, black leggings, a black sweatshirt and low top black converses.

"Bye mom!" I said as I saw Sabrina's mom waving from the seat of her white ford. We usually carpooled together since our houses were close together. Sabrina was wearing a light pink dress with a red ribbon in her hair and red earrings.

"That's what your wearing for valentines day?" She asked me, looking at my outfit up and down.

"Yes. Why."

"No reason," she sighed and shook her head at my outfit and I got in the car. "You couldn't wear something a little bit nicer than that?"

"Oh lay off Sabrina. I think my tie dye shirt is amazing."

"It's nice. But on Valentine's Day? It's not even red." She clicked her tongue.

"It has specks of red okay." I told her sighing.

"Okay whatever Jamie."

"Oh yeah I just remembered. Today our new seats and desks are going to come!" I said changing the subject from my amazing tie dye shirt.

"Yeah! I hope they come during our time so we can help move the furniture so we waste some time for class."

"Yeah I hope so too." I said as we pulled up to the school gates.

"Hey Jamie." Angie said as Sabrina and I walked into the school gates.

"Hi Angie,"

"Are you wearing red?" asked Lauren.

"No, why?" I asked

"It's CPR day or Cupid Perfers Red day!"she said. Lauren was on student council so she knew all the special events that they planned.

"Oh. Oops, What did you bring for valentines day?" I asked Angie, she was holding a bag.

"These are eggs from my chickens for the teachers," she said opening the carton of eggs. "Oh! There's Ms. Hadley" she closed the carton and quickly ran to our PE teacher from across the yard.

Sabrina POV

'RING!' the bell rang and everyone walked/ran inside.

"Do you think the furniture is going to come during our class?" asked one my classmates.

"Maybe" I told her.

"I don't think so, think they're coming for our class," said Lauren and walked to her class.

"I wonder who brought Valentines," said Jamie.

"I hope someone brought cupcakes,"

"Yeah me too," she nodded and we walked into class.

After social studies and language arts we switched classes.

"Please eat your candy at lunch and not in my classroom or any other classroom," our Science and Math teacher told us.

"Candy is not a approved snack," she continued and glared at one of the kids in the other class. I quickly grabbed put my books away and grabbed my Math and Science textbook and my Math and Science workbooks.

Josh POV

Today was Valentines day. The day when I was going to ask Jamie out. I know you probably are thinking 'What! And what grade is he in?' but it's what I feel like I should do. I grabbed my books and walked inside the classroom and saw that all the chairs were set up in a circle meaning we have community circle.

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