Chapter Eleven

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Angie POV

By now you have probably figured out that our school has a lot of drama. I don't even know half of the drama so this is only half of the drama that happens in our school. It's actually very surprising what could happen in a years time.


I walked into the school yard and went inside to where Lauren was standing by the heater.

"Help me find my Esperanza Rising book," she said and we walked to the lost and found to see if it was there.

"Nope, not here," I said and she frowned.

"Wait!" she picked up a jacket and saw a book underneath it but looked at the bookmark and saw that it was someone elses book.

"Awwww, you know our teachers lost and found is bigger then this lost and found," she said and I nodded.

"Yeah and his is a bucket and this is like a cart," I said and we walked back to our backpacks.

"Hi," we said to Jamie and Sabrina as they walked inside.

"Where were you guys?" asked Sabrina.

"We were looking for Lauren's Esperanza rising book,"

"RING!" the bell rang and everyone went inside.

"Oh! Here it is," she pulled her book out from in a cubbyhole.

"Yay! You found it!" I said.

After classes it was lunch.

"Come on!!!!" Sky said to Lauren and I.

"I have a student council meeting today," Lauren told her.

"Oh okay, Hurry Up Angie!" I quickly grabbed my backpack and we walked to lunch.

After Lunch it was recess. Josh was bouncing a small pink bouncy ball up and down.

"Oh! Cool" I said and tried to catch it as it was up in the air. Surprisingly, I caught it.

"Whoa! Josh did you see that?" I shouted as Josh snatched it away.

"Yeah," he said and he went to play soccer.


After Recess we walked to elective.

"Lauren, Josh and Charlie go to room 21," our teacher said.

"Ooooooohhhh!!! You guys are in trouble!" the whole class said. Lauren looked at me and gave me a reassuring look. She knew they were not in trouble.

"So moving on in out textbook we are on Healthy Affection," the teacher said as our whole class groaned. "So you don't want to give affection to everyone the same way right. Like if I went up to you and hugged you then you would be like 'Omg, this is awkward my teacher is hugging me!' " our teacher said and the whole class laughed. "Also do sometimes your relatives sort of ruffle your hair and be like 'awwwwww your getting so big!' " the whole class nodded and raised their hands. One of our classmates raised his hand.

"One time twelve people touched me hair," he said, the whole class laughed because he had a afro and had the nickname 'Curly fries'.

"Were they random people?" asked the teacher.

"Yes! They just came up to me and touched my hair! And a lot of them were old ladies," he said. Everyone laughed.

After we went to PE.

"Tomorrow is the track meet" Our PE teacher/track coach told us as we grabbed our hockey sticks and walked over to the goals.



I'm doing two days in one again because they were short days.


Angie POV

I quickly grabbed my track uniform and went out the door.

"You ready for your first track meet?" my mom asked me and I nodded.

I was a little nervous but I bet many people were nervous because even though this was their second or third meet it was still nerve-racking. When I arrived at school I went up to Sky and Lauren.

"Sky are you ready for the track meet later?"

"Yeah, but I'm nervous," she said.

"We'll calm our nerves on the bus," I told her and she nodded.

The day went past quickly before I knew it, it was time for the track meet.


After our coach talked to us again about how we were going to act at the track meet we got on the buses to go to SOTA, the school of the arts, Angie and I sat in a three seater and ate food to calm our nerves.

"Think about something you really like," Angie told me. Sierra came up to us and Angie started talking to her.

"I'm really nervous,"

"I know me too, just think about something that you really like or something," Angie told her and Sierra went to sit in her seat with Abbey.

"CL almost time, stretch!" the eighth graders shouted across the field and our school started to walk towards the eighth graders so a circle was forming.

After we finished stretching we got ready for the relays.

"Everyone who is not in a relay go to the bleachers," Our coach said and about half of our team walked to the bleachers while the remaining half of the team stayed on the grass. I went to the bleachers because we didn't have enough people for another relay.

Angie POV

"Go to your places!" the starter told us. Since I was the first leg, I stayed where I was with the baton. "Places!" the starter said and I walked to lane four and got ready to run. "Ready Set!" 'BOOM' the starter shot the starting gun and we were off. I sprinted a little bit ahead of the group and handed it off to our second runner.

"Go go go!!" I shouted cheering her on.

We got second but that was pretty good for our first race. I had to go home early after my individual race because tonight was the auction. Next week is outdoor education!!!



Sorry I was a little lazy and didn't publish this right when I finished so I'll update soon!! Sorry short chapters. But we actually went to outdoor education 3/24-3/28 so I'm writing about that. Please Vote and Comment!!!


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