Chapter Twelve

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So this chapter might be long because its going to be five days in one because I didn't want to do five separate chapters because they might all be really short, so I decided to do it all in one chapter. Here it is!


Angie POV

I took a deep breath and walked to the door while lugging my huge duffel and sleeping bag.

"Thanks Love you," I called to my sister who was walking to her line.

"Love you too," she called back waving at me.

"Wow that's all your stuff?" Lauren asked me as she propped her rolling duffel up from the ground.

"Yup," I said as I took a look at other peoples stuff. Some people had Three bags! I didn't pack that much stuff though it didn't seem like a big camping trip outdoor Ed. It seemed more like a relaxing, let's hike to that mountain outdoor Ed. After all we only had a lunch hike, morning hike, night hike and a beach day. Like seriously BEACH DAY. When the bell rang we jumped up and our whole grade pulled their stuff inside and put green duck tape over them so they knew what school the bag was. When we went to our Social Studies and Language Arts classroom we got ready and our teacher answered any questions that we had about outdoor Ed. We were going to be in cabins by random, mixed with the other schools. great. When we packed all our stuff and got on the bus I sat next to Sky.


We got on the bus and I sat next to Angie. Great. This was going to be a long hour and a half bus ride.

"Sky wanna play Truth or Dare?" she asked me.

"No, I don't play with you people,"

"Please. Pretty please," she begged me.

"Fine," I sighed.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," I said.

"I dare you to not watch teen wolf when you get back from outdoor Ed. You have to wait a day to watch your precious show," she said smirking.

"No way! Chicken," I said turning it down even though it might sound easy there was NO WAY I was giving up my Friday night NOT watching teen wolf.

"Truth or Dare?" I asked her ignoring her protesting about it being 'that I should do it or I was a chicken'.

After our looooooonnnggggggggg bus ride which felt like two hours instead of an hour and a half a naturalist came on our bus to greet us.

"Welcome to science camp everyone" Science Camp? The fuck? Who said anything about a "science camp" this was outdoor Ed. People! "I bet you guys really want to get off the bus" Blah bla blah bla blah bla blah. Her voice just got really annoying and I zoned out until Angie put her hand in front of my face and told me to go. We got off the bus and went to campfire where we got our groups.

I got to be with Olivia and Bonnie, a girl from my class, but those were the only people I knew in my whole trail and cabin group. Great. I could tell that this day was getting better already.

After Recess, the fire drill and dinner.

"We are taking a night hike today" our naturalist told us. "Tomorrow we are going to Sea lab where some of the groups are at now" she said and we started our night hike.


"We are going to the Sea Lab" our cabin leader told us.

"The Sea wha?" Tyler asked from his bunk.

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