Chapter Fourteen

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Angie POV


This whole chapter is done in Angie's POV because i don't know what happened to other peoples. It's a really short chapter.


Today was all city FINALS. I can't believe that our relay actually got this far. I mean top eight in THE WHOLE CITY. I asked my dad to drive us to Kezar and we arrived there early and put our stuff down and put our spikes on and everything. Since we were early there were only like five people on the track we quickly went to lane seven-which was the lane we were in-and put tape where we needed it. We wrote CL in curly fancy letters or the best Hannah could do and we practiced our hand offs. It was me as first leg, Sierra as Second, Abbey as third and Hannah as anchor. I thought we had a pretty good chance except for Poostevelt another school participating had like a robotic anchor in the 95 division. We were placed sixth in the relay so that why we were in lane seven which is not the best lane. By the time we were done with all our tape and finished practicing our hand offs.

"I'm really nervous," Sierra told us.

"Me too," I told her

"Yeah but you don't have to run two events," she said directed to Hannah and I. Because Abbey was also running the 200.

"True. But we can beat these teams. Maybe not the robotic girl. But we can do it!" I said with a fake smile.

"Ugh. Dot remind me about robotic girl. I have to run against her," Hannah groaned.

"Attention! All people off the track! All people off the track!" we quickly got off the track and went to the top of the bleachers were all the people that were running were stretching.

"Let's go to where Harper is," Sierra told us and we walked over to where she was. We stretched on the grass and breathed. In and Out. In and Out. This was the ALL CITY FINALS.

Before we knew it we were on the track. Since I was first leg I had the responsibility of getting us a lead. Joy. I needed to get a lead then Sierra needs to keep the lead and since Abbey is good at the turn she would bring us ahead and hopefully enough to catch up with robot girl. Then Hannah needs to finish strong. All of this ran through my head as we waited. And waited and waited to start the race. "Ready" inhale. Deep breath. "Set" exhale. "Bang!!!!" and we were off. I ran my hardest my heart was beating against my chest making it hard to breathe. Good thing this was only a 100 meter dash for each person because we were running as fast as we could.

"GO!!!!" I shouted to Sierra as I handed it off to her. She grabbed the baton and pumped her arms as she raced on the track. We were second place so far. She quickly handed it to Abbey and she turned the corner. Just about to hand it off to Hannah's outstretched hand.

That's when the trouble started.

Palace Hong Fu the relay team that was in the lane next to us-lane eight-was just about to hand off when Abbey was in mid-hand off BUT. The Palace Hong Fu girl forgot to say GO to her teammate and they collided into each other. The girl who handed off fell into our lane and Abbey tripped over her resulting in the hand off being awful to Hannah. But it wasn't a big deal. Hannah was anchor. "Tweet" the referee put up the red flag and pointed to us. US. After Palace Hong Fu FELL into our lane. Hannah looked back but ignored the flag. But Palace Hong Fu's mistake cost us our place as second. We were fifth. We didn't get disqualified but neither did Palace Hong Fu. They got last. But our relay team was proud of what we got. We beat our record and we were proud. We got fifth in the All City Finals.


Ugh. Sorry guys. The all city finals was on may 3 and it's may 26 today. Sorry I haven't really been writing this story. I have been working on a new story called The Two Wallflowers that I am writing with one of my good friends @twilightwood. Check the story out! The account is @twodreamers and the story is called The Two Wallflowers.

Thanks guys!


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