Chapter Fifteen

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Lauren POV

Today was the last day of school! Everyone is going to be jumping on the walls and crashing and breaking the doors on their lockers. I can't believe that our first year in middle school has passed so fast! I grabbed my backpack and got into the car and headed to school.

"Oh my god. Shut up!" I groaned. My sister was jumping up and down in her seat and up and down. Up and down. Up and down.

"Lauren! Be nice to your sister," my mom scolded me and I groaned silently.

"Sorry," I grabbed my backpack and got out of the car as we pulled up to the school gate.

"Hey Lauren!"

I glanced up to see Sky running towards me with a grin on her face.

"How are you grinning? It's like 7:30 in the morning,"

"It's the last day of school! Duh," she giggled.

"True true, I guess that could be very exciting. But I just wanna get out of here," I groaned as the thought of school came into my mind.

"We are not even doing anything today. Unless you count going to the beach work," Angie said coming out from inside the school building with Jamie.

"It's just gonna turn into a going soccer game that I'm not gonna participate in," I sighed.

"Yeah probably, we'll be sitting on the sidelines together," Angie grinned giving me a high five.

"Same, me and soccer equals getting hit in the face," Sky said and Angie and I started laughing hysterically.

"It wasn't that funny. It hurt," Sky pouted and we laughed even harder.

"Okay okay, we'll stop," I told her still holding my stomach.

"You better!"

Before I could say anything back. The bell rang. 'RING'

We rushed inside and grabbed our books and waited outside for the teacher to let us in.


I got of the bus and saw that everyone was inside already. Ugh. I quickly walked inside and opened my locker, I grabbed my books and walked inside the classroom. Interrupting a community circle. Great. This was gonna be a fun day. I signed my name in the tardy book and wrote Late bus.

"Thank you for joining us Eli," our teacher said and I nodded and sat in an empty seat.

"Today, we are going to the beach. To celebrate the last day of school," everyone's face lit up at the word beach. "After the beach, we will come back to school and have our potluck," he continued and everyone who had food for the potluck put it on the tables lined up to the side.

After community circle, we met up with 6B outside, and started walking towards the beach.

I walked towards where Lauren, Angie and Sky were talking. "Hey,"

They stopped talking as soon as I came up to them.

Angie hesitated, "Hi,"

Lauren looked at me blankly for a moment and then turned to Sky. "Remember when Stiles and Scott..."

She was ignoring me!

"Why is she ignoring me?" I asked Angie.

"Uhhhhh, uhhhhh. I don't know. Maybe you should be careful what you say to people," she said quickly and walked any leaving me standing there, confused.

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