Chapter Two

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Jamie POV

I ran to get my backpack and ran inside. "Ready for elective?" Sky asked me as I put my backpack down next to hers outside the door.

"Sort of, I'm not ready if we watch the video that we watched last time," I groaned. Last time, we watched a disgusting, horrible, totally-not appropriate video about the Qin Dynasty. It was horrible, we watched traitors be beheaded, punished and stretched apart. We watched soliders choke children to death. We watched a king that wanted to be immortal die of eating mercury and other horrible things.

"Good afternoon," our teacher said.

"Hi," I said brushing past him and sitting next to Angie.

"Today we are going to watch another video," our teacher said in his cheerful voice.

"I'M SORRY WHAT?!" I whispered loudly to Angie, Sky and Lauren. Sky laughed and Angie smiled. Lauren didn't smile at all, she looked very depressed. I'll talk to her about that later. Our whole class groaned, our teacher just smiled and played the video.

Hope POV

After the video, that actually wasn't as bad as the other video, we went to PE.

"Hurry up Hope!" Sky shouted already halfway across the hall.

"Slow down then! My legs cannot move that fast,"

We quickly ran outside and threw our backpacks outside the PE teachers bungalow.

"Sit down!" our PE teacher told us and started to read off all the people who turned in their Unity Dance forms. The unity dance was a dance that our school hosted. It was a dance where we invited other public schools and we got "United".

"6B run two laps! 6A fitness lab,"

I made a face and went to go run my laps. After we ran our laps we played three on three games of basketball and I just sat there and talked to Sky and Lauren. After PE I walked to my locker.

"Hope Hope!" I heard someone shout. I turned around and saw Eli calling my name and waving at me. I turned and went the opposite direction of him walking as fast as my legs could carry me.

"Is Eli behind me?" I asked Angie as she was coming out to go on the bus.

"Yeah, why?"

"He called my name twice," I told her, she laughed.

She smiled "He's gone now,"

"Good," I sighed with relief and waved to Angie.

Lauren POV

I slid my books into my locker and slammed it shut. I was still thinking about what Eli said about me. I got on the bus and looked for someone to text. I need someone, someone who understands me someone who feels the same feelings I feel someone who would cheer me up. I searched my contact list. I finally decided to text Luke, I had no idea how his life was and what he though so I decided to try it out. I mean my life can't get any worse. Let's see, I'll start simple.




We talked for hours, we both were bullied and got called names. The more we talked, the more we found things that we had in common. I started to trust him and he started to trust me. He thought of ways to help me and I thought of ways to ignore the bullying.

Luke POV

I yawned as I finished texting Lauren the word to finish the conversation.


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