Mya's POV.

I wanted to cry hearing the sound of my alarm go off. I woke up to a text from Damion, causing a small smile to spread across my face. I switched off my alarm. It didn't even phase Megan. She was still knocked out from her episode of throwing up last night.

I rolled out of bed, contemplating why i even went out last night. I made my way into the bathroom to shower, hoping it would wake me up a bit.


I locked the door behind me, making sure to grab my phone. Me and Damion had agreed to meet before class. He wanted to help me grow more familiar to the campus.

Pellets of rain brushed my nose outside. My body was instantly shivering, regardless of the red jacket I had on.

I had on a plain red t shirt, and some blue jeans with white converses.

"Hey." I smiled as I approached him.

He returned a friendly gesture by giving me a hug.

"Hey you." he sighed with a smile, wrapping his arms around my back.

He gave a sideways grin. "Your first class is where?"

"They sent an email out this morning. Apparently calculus 3." I told him.

"What's the room number?"

"Department 4, room 1106." I read to him.

"That's this way. C'mon." He led me.


I gave Damion a hug at the door before I said my goodbye, suddenly shoved to the side.

"Oh I'm sorry. Damion! Hey man." A bright smile spread across Alex's face as he appeared out of no where, patting Damion on the back. It was as if Alex didn't even know me.

"Hey." Damion replied cooly.

"Enjoy the party last night?" Alex asked him.

"It was straight. Didn't leave too too late." Damion chuckled.

I couldn't help but stare at Alex the whole time.

"Yeah man, when I tell you girls were throwing it back. Best sex i've had hands down." Alex's eyes darted from Damion's to mine, a large smile spreading across his face.

Damion caught on to his sarcasm, unwrapping his arms from me. "Oh yeah? What girl you get this time?" I could tell Damion was nervous now.

"Oh come on bro, you know I never put my information out." He winked, walking into the same class I had.

"Not you?" he asked.

"Ugh, you think I get down like that? Bye." I walked off from him.

My phone buzzed immediately when I sat down in the middle of class. Not too close to the front but not too far from the back.

Damion: I'm sorry babe. It's just, Alex is bad news. I'm telling you. Are you two friends?

Me: No. associates and that's all.

Damion: He's cool and all, but there's more to him than he leads on. He's trouble.

Me: Okay Damion. I'll see you after our 2 classes today.

I was happy we didn't have all four of our classes today. I needed a nap. Eventually my professor came in and introduced himself. He went over the things we'd need to know and skills to work on, for come tomorrow we would start learning. He gave us a syllabus and that's it.

I sighed, mad that I had to take a math course when it was art that I loved, but I had no choice. I needed to go shopping for some supplies, and apply for a job quickly.

I sat, observing my classmates, who all seemed to know each other. Girls were nearly drooling over Alex at the front of the room. I could tell he was uninterested, it was as if he was just trying to make me upset. It was funny to me, if that's what he was trying to do.

I looked up, startled by a tap on my shoulder.

"You new?" A male with caramel skin raised an eyebrow.

I nodded. He sat down beside me.

"Landon." He reached his hand out to shake mine. I noticed Alex turn around, and thought I'd try to be funny back.

"Mya." I shook back, a smile spreading across my face.

A loud scrape across the floor caught my attention, I took a quick glance and saw Alex heading exactly in my direction.

I tried to keep my attention on Landon, but it didn't last long.

Alex leaned across my desk, eyeing Landon.

"What do you want with her Landon?" Alex stood standing tall over Landon.

I watched Landon laugh under his breath, shaking his head and walking off.

I heard Landon whisper "asshole" under his breath.

The bell saved the awkwardness, and I stood up and nearly ran away from Alex out of class.

"Mya." I heard him call behind me.

"Look just leave me alone Alex." I persisted.

"I don't get why you have such a problem with me." His voice grew low.

"Alex you act like you have control over me! Weren't you out having sex last night? Go do that and leave me the hell alone." I shouted.

"Calm down man. Stop being so loud." People began to stare. "Just let me talk to you please. In private."

"Oh just stop Alex. We're done here."

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