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Mya's POV.

I offered to meet Damion, but his response back was he didn't have anything more to say.

Now I had no plans. School was a drag and I hadn't talked to Alex once since he said he was going on a date. Now I had no plans. I was lonely and bored in the dorm.

I put my jacket and some shoes on, thinking I'd go for a walk.

When I finally made my way to the door, I opened it to see Megan about to walk in.

"Oh no." She shook her head. "You are going out with me tonight."

I frowned. She made her way in the dorm, shutting the door behind her and setting her stuff down.

"What happened?" He pulled me in for a hug and I immediately cried.

"I'm so lonely." I cried onto her shirt.

"What did Alex do? Tell me." He demanded.

"I told him Damion wanted to meet me to talk today, not that we're getting back together. And Alex said he had a date. I wish I never kissed him, why did I have to meet him? I've never felt hurt by a guy. This is why I try not to get involved with them." I pouted and Megan shook her head.

She pranced to her bed and tapped beside her on the covers. "Come sit."

I lazily made my way beside her and sat down.

"Alex is sleeping with multiple girls. I found out in class today. He's sleeping with girls and classmates I know. Don't waste your time Mya, I'm telling you. Alex is just bad news. Don't see the good in him. There is no good in Alex. I tried to see it too. He hurts and manipulates people, that's it. He's going to sleep with you and act in love with you, then treat you horribly after. I've been through it. I don't want to see you go through it man." Megan rubbed her hands through her hair.

"He wants to be a pediatrician." I chuckled. "I can't believe that."

"He's a mysterious boy with a dark past. He ruins everyone he comes across. I can't warn you any more. I just hope you do what's right for you, because if you don't, things are going to get ugly fast. You're going to care for him, want to be there for him, and more. But at the end of the day, he's only going to come around when sexual contact is involved." Megan huffed, and I watched as a tear slipped out of her eye.

"He used you." I said silently, and she nodded.

"It took me so long to realize it, and now, I feel nothing for him. Nothing at all." Her expression was blank.

"I'll go to the bonfire with you." I stated and her face lit up.

"You'll go?" She smiled.

"Yes." I agreed.

She did a small clap. "Let's start getting ready."


It was drizzling outside, as always. I'd gotten so used to the rain that I never kept an umbrella with me. The rain made me miss my friends. I wanted to go visit them so badly.

The bonfire was packed. Megan was introducing me to more names than I could keep track of. I spotted Damion, sitting with a group of friends. I gave him a small smile and he waved. He said something to his friends, getting up and heading in my direction.

"Shit. Damion's coming over here." I nudged Megan.

"And Alex is over there, eyeing you in those skinny jeans. Make the most of it." Megan suggested.

I glanced in the direction of Alex, sitting beside boys and a few girls. One I recognized, that I had met before. I think her name was Haley. She'd spoke to Damion the first day I was here to go get my phone. I rarely saw her around campus.

"Hey..." Damion's voice trailed off.

"Damion I'm so sorry for everything." I admitted.

"Let's go out of the gathering and talk for a minute?" He asked.

"That would be great." A large smile spread across my face.

Damion was too nice for me. I didn't deserve him.

To be funny I glanced towards Alex again, giving him a smirk. He gave me the meanest look, wrapping his hands around that girl. Haley. He probably barely knew her and was trying to upset me.

"I don't deserve you at all Damion. You've been nothing but good to me." I sighed once outside the bonfire.

"Don't say that. It's not your fault, it's Alex's. He does this. Look, there's something I've been meaning to tell you... do you-"

"What are you doing with her?" Damion and I turned to see Alex objecting his sentence, leaning against the fence of the bonfire.

"Alex stay away from her. I mean it." Damion warned him.

Alex laughed, approaching us.

"Stay away? I don't think you're in the position to say that buddy. Plus, I don't think I'm capable of staying away from her. And she's certainly not able to stay away from me." A smirk spread across Alex's face.

"You're full of yourself, you know that? You think I'm just going to hop into your bed, is that it? You're sick Alex. Fucking sick! I wish I never met you. Never. Leave me the fuck alone and stay the hell out of my life. You don't care about me, you don't care about any-"

Lips smashed into mine, and my thighs were lifted up. I broke the kiss, tears streaming down my face as I looked to Damion.

He looked heartbroken.

"Damion." I cried.

He shook his head, walking off. I continued to cry.

"I care about you. I care about you." Alex pleaded.

"No you don't. You just care about being in bed with me. Megan told me everything about you. And that stunt with the girl in the bonfire? Yeah ok." I shook my head, and Alex set me down.

"I did that to make you jealous. I can't stop thinking about you Mya, as much as I try. I- you- make me want to change for you. I don't deserve you, but you consume my thoughts. It's not just about the thoughts of sex with you. Everyone is going to tell you that, because it's what I'm known for." He admitted.

"So you're not sleeping with multiple girls? And damnit don't lie!" I screamed.

"I am. But it's because you don't want me. We aren't serious." Alex pointed out.

"Are you dumb? I want you more than I've ever wanted anything! But I have no trust in you. You haven't shown me anything different than what people say about you." I crossed my arms.

"Because you wont let me damnit. Jesus. Just let me be good to you."

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