Chapter 35

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Hey guys! It's time for the new update! Hope you all enjoy this chapter! Also, The Duke's Wife IS OFFICIALLY COMPLETE on RADISH!!! There are 37 Chapters/Parts (36 Chapters + Epilogue = 37 Chapters/Parts).

I will have some upcoming news and announcements about the next book and I will answer any questions during that time. For now, please don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me to show your support and be alerted whenever I post a story or message!

Thanks so much guys!



Chapter 35

"My own sex, I hope, will excuse me, if I treat them like rational creatures, instead of flattering their fascinating graces, and viewing them as if they were in a state of perpetual childhood, unable to stand alone."

- Mary Wollestonecraft

"You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all."

- Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess


Dalting glanced beside him with surprised admiration as Leia kept up with his pace. Granted, it wasn't as rigorous as if he were alone, but it was fast enough to leave others panting. Leia seemed to be keeping up without any disturbance.

Dalting forced himself to be content with their speed, knowing that his men would be halfway to the docks by now. The expanse from the warehouses to the docks was quite wide and Dalting feared that they would not make it in time.

From what Leia had gleaned from the hushed conversation between Ashwin – Dalting always knew the young lord was too pretty for his own good – and Utteridge, who Dalting knew was Beckham, revealed that they would draw Hadrian out to the docks to get rid of the duke.

After intensely questioning everything she heard, he found that Leia did not know what would transpire after that.

Feeling uneasy, Dalting sped up a little faster.

"We must hurry, we do not know how long it might take for Hadrian to arrive, nor how quickly Beckham takes to execute Lord Vale."

"By all means, my lord, lengthen your stride. I am not complaining. Just because our genitals differ does not mean that we are not equal," Leia snapped.

Dalting raised a brow. "I am more than sure you would not be able to continue on with my rigorous pace. Be grateful that I am slowing this much for you."

Leia gave an unladylike snort, and Dalting was sure he heard her mutter, "Damned buffoon . . . I'll show him . . . rigorous pace, my great petunia . . . dandy prat . . ."

Dalting couldn't hold in his chuckle. "Quite a mouth you've got on you, lass."

"Oh shut-"

Dalting's eyes shot forward as he heard an angry shout. Leia met his gaze and they both raced forward. Dalting cursed himself silently, he had gotten distracted.

Damned woman.

As they neared the docks, Dalting spotted his men and watched as Abbott approached him. Dalting didn't have to say anything except give his man a look.

"He's got a gun on her." Abbott reported. Dalting cursed.

Though he had engaged in many missions with these men, Dalting knew just how bad matters could turn out when emotions played a part. Hadrian cared deeply for his wife. Would do anything for her. He would expect Dalting, as Hadrian's close friend, to have the same feelings regarding his wife.

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