Just A Kiss

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"Okay, Sienna. You need to spill."

Kayla finished tying her hair up in a messy bun as she stared me down, her lips pursed.

"Spill about what?" I stared out my window at Ashton and Robbie sprawled out along the lawn chairs by the pool, talking.

"A few things. When the hell did you start dating Ashton Carwright? And why did you?" I glanced away from the window and back at my best friend.

"Almost two weeks ago. I was going to tell you, but I thought it would be better to do in person." I answered.

"Look, Si, don't take any offense to this, but you're are an absolute idiot." I blinked in surprised at her bluntness.

"Excuse me?"

"I think you've spent so much time with your head stuck in books and video games that you aren't really all that smart when it comes to the real world." I nodded, not really sure how to feel about what she was saying.

She was right, for the most part. I didn't really know all about relationships and stuff like that, I'd always thought that I would make it through high school before I got into a relationship. That I'd have time to think, but I hadn't, it had come so quick I didn't know what else to do.

"Do you like him?" She said, following my eyes to the window.

My eyes weren't even on Ashton, despite him being entirely shirtless and wearing only a pair of swim trunks. My eyes had fallen on Robbie, who had sat up, pushing his sun glasses down to send a quick glance at his best friend.

"Sienna." Kayla flicked the back of my neck. I whirled back around the face her.


"Do you like Ashton?" She repeated.

"Obviously I do." I muttered, "He's actually sweet and he's got a great smile." Before I could add any more, Kayla started laughing obnoxiously loud.

"Did you read that on a Valentine's Day card?" She continued with her laughing fit, "But seriously, Si, tell me something you really like about him. Something that makes him different from a friend, and makes him something more." She stared at me patiently, running her hand along my fluffy white ruffle pillow.

"I. . ." I trailed off, not coming up with anything.

"Honey, do you think you're dating the guy because you're trying to make Robbie jealous? What a better way, you know. Dating his best friend." I felt my lips part, my eyes widen a fraction.

"Why would you even say that? I don't like Robbie in that way, I-"

"Oh, yeah? Then tell me why you've just recently made you change your mind about being friends with him." I glared at her, propping my chin up on my hand.

"He made an attempt to talk to me, to ask if I was okay. He's smart, I can hold hour long conversations with him about school or a math equation without him getting bored or walking away." I said, "He thinks it's cute that Mikey's my favorite Ninja Turtle and that Lilo and Stitch are adorable." Kayla nodded, her eyes flickering toward the boys outside the window.

"Sienna." My best friend took her pillow and began to whack me with it, "You are incredibly naive. Robbie obviously likes you and you're letting the opportunity pass you by because your scared? You date his best friend, because your scared of your feelings?" I grabbed the pillow and set it down beside me, scratching at my arm nervously.

"I really like Ash, he-"

"But you like Robbie more, right?" I shook my head, shrugging.

"I honestly don't know, Kay. All I want right now is to have a good night at Homecoming, one night to feel special." She reached over and squeezed my shoulder and offered me a tight smile.

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