entry two

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i won't. i will not. just let it go. just let her go. unnatural, abomination, queer. i throw the words out the window. they've never been my struggle, only a little trip and fall. this feeling i just can't kick it out the door. that face i can't get out of my mind. all she's told me to have a little hope and faith to the Big Man in the sky. so far nothing has changed. i know i don't speak in solid colors or straight lines, but this is how much i can communicate. i could've prevented it. i wasn't ready. i didn't want to fall in love. only if there was a time machine, but you see at the same time i'm happy in my love as well as ashamed. so how do i clash these polar opposites together. how can i win and lose at the same time without getting tied in a ever looping knot?

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