entry seventeen

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i feel that i'm at a point where i can take the band-aids off, let my skin breathe. the steps i am taking are different, new, out of my comfort zone, but i think i can do it. things break, people drift, and right now i'm just fully accepting that's how life is supposed to be. i can dwell on everything that i can no longer change, or i can look ahead, across the horizon, to bigger and better things. i've finally learned that perspective, point of view, is not fixed, but can be molded or turned a different direction. i will not again waste another breathe wishing i could go back, but rather, look at what i have right in front of me. what a change, how would society be if we all looked at our past like this? instead of it being a big black pit that swallows us whole, let it be a trampoline that points you toward the light. let your past be the trampoline that lets you jump so high that you can touch the sky, let's see your Creator and all the people that left you on this earth behind. 

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