entry seven

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  have you ever found yourself in a situation where you always said you'd never do this or that, but you ended up doing it anyway? it's like breaking a promise to yourself. still, you may question "how?" when it must've been broken willfully and under your consent. everyone may have a different perception, but here is my view. these promises of self are the most dangerous of promises. you can have trust in others, but you know they're still human. with those facts a promise between two beings can be expected to be broken. although, the sworn ones to self seem a bit different, but they really are not. it works slowly in silent waves. the parasitic hums of self-loathing, guilt, and regret; they're all symptoms of this broken self promise. the one thing you thought you'd never have to worry about is now crawling up your neck. it's occupying your brain at every breathing moment, but there's no way to undo it.  

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