entry fourteen

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  you are not a waste of space. you are not a mistake. this was, could've been, your life, but they took it before you could see street lights, before you could love, before you could fail and win. it's a shame. one of the human race's greatest tragedies. the lowly men and women, and some of even the highest class weren't ready even if you were. these lives can be ended anywhere: inside the toilet, a trash can, or just twelve weeks in; you are gone. all the "leaders" are putting a question mark on this daily occurrence: "how can it not be wrong?" our men and women who drop dead on land, sea, and sky. this situation is all the same. a battle between order and chaos, peace and anger. it is one large global battlefield, continent to continent, country to country. except the other side has no weapons. confrontation versus denial, society versus belief, human versus fetus. all of them held no respect for themselves in their hearts because they'd never been taught it at home. now it's spreading out, being more accepted, throwing ourselves at each other. we're forgetting the difference between possible and plausible, but when they tell you don't be surprised. the knowledge of the worth of life is not present, and here is how our babies are killed.   

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