entry thirteen

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burn, burn, burn, let them all burn. the memories, you see, are taking over my soul; and no, i can not simply throw them in a trash can or lock them up in a cell because they always crawl their way back out, so i must burn them. burn, burn, burn all those bittersweet memories to the ground. gasoline on my left and a lighter in my right. it's about to be hell on earth. i have to take part in this; i have to do this because my mind, body, and soul are not strong enough. i have to, i have to, i have to burn, burn, burn them up. don't you understand? don't you hear the desperate call of my voice? eventually, i will be at peace, at rest, right along with the rest of the previously dead. a dream in a dream, how about a nightmare in a nightmare, day after day, night after night, where you can't breathe, and you're screaming for light. but no, let's ignore the past, the pain, and submerse ourselves in the flames. oh, i thank you flames for taking all the memories away. they made no sounds of protest as i threw them in, but as the flames licked their spines mine grew a little straighter. taller, prouder, no longer under the enslavement of that recalling cycle of memories. pain, pain, pain. hurt, hurt, hurt. lies, lies, lies. kiss, kiss, kiss. burn, burn, burn. death, death, death. oh, how i wish this inevitable thing onto every one of my memories. oh, how i curse myself for never realizing this from the start or even before. i strive to be one step ahead, but i'm always two steps behind, and i keep tripping up. stumbling in the dark, i was. until, with light, i saw i was just walking in a circle. over, over, and over again following my steps, i dug into the dirt, kicked up the grass. the holes were so deep; they could never go back. back, back, and back before......oh, yes before. please enlighten me, what was before again? this is why the memories need to go. i can't see back to the times when it wasn't a one thousand piece puzzle but more like five. burn, burn, burn they'll go, down with my mind, blood, and time into the ashes

A/N: Hiya! Hope you enjoyed another one of my entries. If anybody is interested, I might put up a playlist for this book because there are many songs that have inspired me to write these entries. I've already compiled a list of six. Until next time, thank you for reading! :)

my personal essaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora