entry six

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late in the night while observing my nails; i hear the knocking of Death on my door. he is dark and taunting, and it seems no amount of light will make him go away. i soon realize that it's not Death, but the minions that will carry me to his play set throne. everything is dark except for the moans and cries of the ones before me. the ones who didn't get everlasting Life, but everlasting Hell. i begin to panic, following after, throwing up everything i'd eaten that night. my nails are now nothing but a shrub, blood is now running down the sides. there is no Light. i'm not sure why i'm crying. what can Death take away from my life when most of it just felt like existing? although i learn that it's not my soul that will be raped, but my body made of precious gold. i learn that Death is greedy, selfish, and unforgiving, and he doesn't work well with the Everlasting King.

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