Two Years Later

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“Kevin! We are going to be late. If we are late we may not be able to finish the process. ” Double D is running around trying g to get everything together. Kevin watches as he leans against the doorframe. Double D is nervous and excited at the same time. They have been planning this meeting for almost a year now.
“Baby, we are not going to be late. We have plenty of time to get there.” Kevin walks over to Double D and holds him steady. “Take a deep breath baby. Everything's going to be fine. We're going to get there on time and we'll be able to adopt the perfect child.” Double D looks into Kevin's eyes and takes a shaky breath. He knows that Kevin is right but the day is finally here and his nerves are getting the best of him.
“Yes of course my angel. I am just nervous. I will be a parent after these last few meetings. I am not sure if I am ready yet.”
“I know baby but I am with you in this. You're not alone. And when we're together we can do anything. You know this right baby?” Kevin hugs Double D and helps him put his suit jacket on. Kevin would never admit to Double D but he is freaking out on the inside. He can't believe that he'll be a parent soon and that Double D wants to be in this with him.
“You are aware that we mat have to sell one of the motorcycles so that we can be able to get a family car correct?” Double D mentions as they slid into the cab and head towards the adoption service building. Kevin slides closer to Double D and sighs slightly to himself.
“Yeah I know. That's the only thing I'm not looking forward to but I would sell anything to have a family with you. You are my future.” Double D smiles and looks at the ring on his finger. He remembers the day when Kevin proposed to him. He didn't even know that Kevin was saving up to buy an engagement ring for him.

A Work In Progress Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now