06: essaye

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         SEOJUNG IS feeling rather bold this afternoon. 

The long hot shower she had taken an hour ago made her feel fresh and willing to go through the trouble of blow-drying and curling her hair. It made her feel good, and that's why she decided to put on the nicest casual clothes she had in her closet. Nothing too extravagant, though, she still needed to keep it simple if she wants to be subtle. But still, it's not every day that park Seojung dolls herself up and spends ten minutes doing makeup. Barely, but it's still something that she almost never does unless it's a really special occasion. Taehyung's special, she supposes.

The girl takes a look at her appearance in the mirror one more time, smiles in content when she's finally happy with what she sees. She grabs her jacket on the bed and practically runs down the stairs, almost has one foot out of the house when Jimin calls for her. Seojung groans and drags herself to the living room.

"Where are you going?" her brother asks. He gives her a once-over, a look that questions why she's dressed all nice and so inclined to get out of the house.

"The Kims' restaurant."

Jimin raises an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because I'm hungry and we get a discount there," one of the many benefits of being close friends with Taehyung's family. Though Seojung doesn't know if that perk still applies to Jimin. "You should come with me."

"Pass," the older sibling scoffs. Seojung only rolls her eyes and starts to leave the house.

She has been hoping for her brother to be the bigger person for once. Jimin is. . . Stubborn. Trying to get him to be at least a little forgiving is like trying to crush rocks with bare hands; fucking impossible. Doubts that he has given Taehyung the chance to explain, actually listened to his apologies. Is she going too easy on Taehyung? Shouldn't she be shutting him out as well, make sure he realizes what he did was so fucked up? Even if there's a large portion of herself that wants jimin and Taehyung to stop being assholes and make up already, she also feels that it would be wrong to forgive Taehyung so easily. There's a possibility he's going to do the exact same thing to another girl and piss off another guy. Someone needs to teach him a lesson, though she's not sure she's qualified for that job.

Fuck—why does it have to be Taehyung, of all people?

Starts thinking that maybe she should stop this, stop trying to see him all the time and prioritizing her crush instead of siding with her brother. This would've been easier if it were any of jimin's other friends. Her heart is only biased for one, anyways. Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung. God, even his name makes her swoon.

This is what Seojung thinks of as she steps into the restaurant, the familiar scent of chicken hitting her senses, and her favorite boy in town wiping a table with a dirty rag. The apron he is wearing is an ugly orange color that's covered with food stains, but he manages to somehow still look good in it. He spots her, giving her a small wave that makes her heart skip a beat. Doesn't know when she has become this whipped. No matter how many times she tells herself to remember that this boy was the one who ruined her brother's relationship, she can't bring herself to get over him.

Seojung takes a seat in a her favorite booth, the one by the window that gives her a perfect view of the street outside. She never has to order anymore when she comes here (neither does jimin, but he's not here right now), Taehyung already has it memorized. So she waits, tapping her baby blue-colored nails against the table, and daydreams a life she knows she'll never have.

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