30: tien

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      THERE ARE a handful of things that always manage to put Taehyung on edge—like misplacing his sketchbook and not being able to find it the whole day or going out without his wallet—but his favorite one has got to be the times where his parents actually call and ask about his well-being. Knows that he should be glad, but in light of recent events, he can't help but speculate if there are ulterior motives behind his dad's sudden care for his agenda or his mother's constant pestering through text. Maybe he's being unfair, maybe he's being ungrateful, but Taehyung knows damn well that he can never know with his parents. Can never know if they're actually sincere or if there's just more to the story.

Seojung would probably tell him that he's being too harsh on them. She has too big of a heart to go around. He can hear her voice telling him that perhaps it's time to stop being so ill-fitted towards something that's unavoidable. Taehyung can't blame them for having downfalls and slip-ups, he's not supposed to hate them for falling out of love.

He's just annoyed. He keeps thinking back to the months before he left his hometown where things had been getting really bad out of the blue. Reminds himself of the days where he finds his brother in his room with a frown on his face, and when Taehyung asked what's the problem, his answer would always be something that has to do with his parents. Haesung saw and heard a lot more than Taehyung ever did because he's the one who was always in the house. He got the worst end of it, maybe that's why Taehyung loathes them so much even until now. Loathes them to the point where the thoughts only end up frustrating him. The idea of coming home for the weekend just because his dad said so irks him even though he misses his brother and his dog so much.

Seojung wouldn't understand. She has parents who love her dearly and a brother who would move mountains just to protect her. It doesn't even matter if she's not biologically related to any of them. Taehyung knows the love that goes around the Park family is one that lasts, one he wishes never left his own family. Taehyung would rather spare her the burden of his family problems than dumping all of it on her. No matter how many times he vents, she's still going to try to convince him to be a little more forgiving, a little more kind, and a little more patient.

And if the one thing Seojung's too good at is seeing the best in people, then Taehyung's would be avoiding having to deal with anyone he finds irritating. His form of distraction several months ago would be to go out drinking and ending the night with another one of his meaningless hook-ups, but that unhealthy work ethic has been abandoned now because he actually has someone he wants to be with when morning comes.

That certain someone is currently doing a really great job at taking his mind off things. Never had he expected himself to be sitting on his living room couch, head thrown back as Seojung sucks him off. The fact that she was the one who offered almost had him choking on his spit. He didn't think that this kind of boldness existed in the girl who he's known to be nothing but pure and sweet. Perhaps hanging out with him was starting to influence her.

Taehyung groans and grabs a fistful of the girl's hair at the friction, tries hard to keep himself from thrusting into her mouth with the bare amount of self-control he has left. He focuses instead on the wet noises and his own breathing that's threating to fall apart with every passing second of having her lips around his length. It's not easy, because everything still sounds as sinful as his thoughts, and Taehyung can't stop thinking about the idea of fucking her on the couch right here and now.

"How are you so good at this?" Taehyung hisses, feeling her taking more of him as she goes. Maybe Seojung was as much of a good liar as he is. Maybe this isn't only the third time she's given a blowjob, and maybe she only said so just to remain sweet and innocent in his eyes.

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