27: cherche

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ACT 3 — SCENE 3.

YOU'D THINK that five months would be enough for someone to get used to the fact that their best friend is seeing someone they're not particularly fond of, but it's really anything but. Seojung's lucky that Arai's smart enough to not let that get in the way of their friendship, lucky that she's willing to set aside her personal disputes and try to pretend that nothing has changed. And nothing really has except for the fact that she now holds the hands of a different man.

The memory of coming clean to Arai about her "relationship" with Taehyung after two weeks of sneaking around is still fresh in Seojung's mind. Arai's reaction was something Seojung hadn't expected. She was... perplexed, to say the least. Seojung remembers the confusion on her friend's face before the red-head told her to repeat everything she had said, but slowly, and remembers the sigh her friend let out after she had come clean the second time. Had expected her best friend to be angry, throw a fit or something along the lines of that, but all the older girl had said was she saw it coming.

"You're going where with him?" Arai exclaims a little too loudly, catching the attention of several people by the table they're sitting at. Seojung had invited her out to their regular cafe downtown to tell her everything that had happened at the hospital and everything she is planning to do soon, including the visit with Taehyung.

"This ski resort in—"

"Yes, I heard you the first time," Arai interrupts, "don't you think that's a little...?"

"I sleep in his bed all the time and suddenly it's risky for me to stay at a ski resort for just one night with him?" There's a defensive side of her that shows up whenever it comes to Taehyung. Something about knowing that he has sides other than the ones he lets other people see.

"Christ, Seojung, keep your sex life to yourself. It's already bad enough that it's him, of all people."

The topic of Taehyung is rarely discussed between the two girls, at least not to an extent where the conversation lasts for more than three seconds for both of their sakes. It's why sometimes she finds herself wishing that she had someone she could gush about her heart to, about how she feels whenever wakes up in the middle of the night only to find arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Knowing that her best friend will never approve of her relationship wounds her, and the fact that Arai is still here only makes her realize that she's lucky to have people like Arai in her life. 

"We haven't had sex yet," Seojung informs casually as she sips on her hot chocolate. "I mean there were times where we almost did it, y'know, but it never really happened." And it's not something she's dying for to happen. She likes Taehyung, always have, doesn't know if Taehyung feels the same but she's sincere when she says she wants to really be with him. Wants to have more than just pleasure without the feelings and if it meant having to wait years before they can take a step further, then she's fine with that.

"Really? But it's been months. What do you guys do in bed then?" Her best friend is obviously taken by surprise at the information for someone who has only known Taehyung as the player that he is.

"Make out and cuddle?"

Arai snorts. "Nice joke."

"I'm not lying." Seojung insists, only to elicit a smile on her best friend's face. "What?"

"Nothing. Just doesn't sound like him," and just like that, the subject of Taehyung is dropped, "so have you told your brother yet about everything?"

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