Chapter 4

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The book will consist of dual POVs, plus I love writing Damien. Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 4:

I came toward Parkway street, forty minutes away from the University campus

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I came toward Parkway street, forty minutes away from the University campus. Pat's one leveled blue house. On the outside it seemed harmless but inside was... I had to expect the unexpected. Last week, I walked into an orgy in the living room. I parked in the back of his house to avoid any tickets parking on the street.

I put so much hours and money on my 1967 black Mustang: waxing, 500 engine, automatic doors, and fifteen-inch tires. I just needed the tinted windows I ordered from my job and it will be perfect. 

Exiting my vehicle, I approached the back door and knocked hard three times

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Exiting my vehicle, I approached the back door and knocked hard three times. It swung open, a short red hair girl wearing nothing but a gray tank top and undies.

"Hi," she said seductively with a popped hip. I checked out her figure once more: small breasts, thick hips, and thighs.

"Hey." Appreciating her body, my eyes went to her green eyes as she stared back in my same mood. One of the benefits of coming over: the women were sexy and missing an article of clothing. "Is Pat awake?" I asked.

"And you must be?" She questioned with a raised arched eyebrow.

"Damien," I answered.

"Oh, Damien. The wizard. Pat was just talking about you." She moved aside for me to come in. I guess Pat told them how I fixed his GTO three months ago. In a week, it was running good as new. Not only did we talk of cars, I found out that he runs the underground street races.

I entered the house that smelled of marijuana and ash. I felt her hand run down on my bicep, I let her continue while I walked in the living room.

More naked girls were dancing in a striptease to a rap song, I saw Pat with a girl on his lap making out. I cleared my throat for his attention. He tilted the girl and saw me, "DB, my wizard!" Pat announced excitedly, he pushed the girl off and stood. His whole dick and balls were in plain sight.

"Dude! Do not come near me until you put on some pants." I used my hand to block his lower region. This was the third time I've seen him half-naked without warning.

"Such a prude. You know I have a nice dick."

"I like to look at my own so," I trailed off. My eyes were staring at the ceiling until he wore something to cover his bottom half.

"Pants are on," he informed me in an annoyed tone. I glanced at him. He was wearing navy plaid boxers, we stood at the same height. His hazel eyes were glazed, a joint was hanging off his lips. He pulled it out and blew out smoke to the ceiling.

"I thought we would talk about the race this Saturday." I waved off the smoke as it hit my face.

"Oh right, I almost forgot. Step into my office," he nudged his head, leading the way to his room through the hall.

"How's the good ol college treating you?" He asked, pretending to be interested.

"Boring but it's an education," I answered, following him.

"Is that really the reason?" he smirked, turning the knob of his room door. I shook my head and entered behind and locked it, Pat approached his drawer and pulled out a file. "This is him." He handed the folder to me. I opened up the flaps, a picture of a guy wearing a letterman's jacket and black douche gelled hair.

"A jock?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Quarterback of our own Terrapins," he nodded, "he called me personally."

"How much?"

"1300." Pat's the money man. He controlled the money because of his Accounting degree. I used to wonder why he wasn't in the corporate world. He told me he'd rather get his balls clawed by bird talons than work in an office every day. He loved what he did, though. I made money off the bets and we split it 50/50. It paid way better than my job.

"Will he be discreet?" I questioned.

"If he's not, I'll make sure of it." He grinned slyly, knowing exactly what he meant. I tucked the folder in my jacket and started to leave. "DB, stay for a while, the girls have been loving the stories and your magic hands." Pat followed behind me. "Lots of pot to go around."

"Tempting, but I need to get some sleep. Maybe next time."

"The circles under your eyes are a dead giveaway, one joint will put you out like a light."

I laughed at his joke, "I'm driving." We fist-bumped, The half-naked women yelled out bye as I exited the drugged haze. Now inside my car, I sped on the street heading to my apartment, yawning once more widening my eyes to stay awake while driving. 

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