Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

James, what the fuck are doing?!" I yelled out cautiously as he stumbled over to his car

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James, what the fuck are doing?!" I yelled out cautiously as he stumbled over to his car. Keys in his hand he tried to open the door, I arrived just in time, parking my car in the driveway. He's fucking drunk again. His mom was in her robe pleading and dad was scowling at his son's behavior.

I got a call from Aunt Karen that I had to come over immediately. Something was going on with James. I knew what it was; I thought he stopped. I guess not. The shady business caught up to him.

"James please, you're drunk! Get back in the house so we can talk!" Aunty urged with tears in her eyes.

"Fuck this and fuck you! Fuck everything!"

"Come man, give me the keys." I sped up my steps to his car. He was at the driver side, he fumbled the keys in his hands, It dropped on the sidewalk, I reached over as quick as I could. He dodged, pushed me away. He yanked open the door and dropped in.

"Dammit, James!" I swore to the sky. I ran to the passenger side before he could speed off, I almost lost my leg. He drove faster than usual. His foot pressed on the pedal, his knuckles became red from squeezing the wheel. The second time in my life, I was scared.

The blare of a horn from outside woke me up from a deep sleep. I regret trying to help, I should have done better to avoid the crash. I switched to my side, holding onto the pillow. I grunted, throwing it in the corner, and laid on my back. I licked my lips, staring at the ceiling. Breathing in and out through my nostrils. I growled, got up from my bed. Wore one of my shirts, heading out and to my car. The dashboard read midnight; it felt like 9 pm. My eyes were dry, my mouth was dry. My tank was almost empty.

I thought of what Janna said yesterday, about trying to share. She's somewhat right. What's the point of opening up, though? Anyone could shut you down and make you feel like shit. I sighed, relieving the hollow feeling in my chest. I turned a corner from the campus drive, parking in front of the 24-hour gas station.

I swiped a Sprite bottle. Maybe I need a couple more. Three people were in line already, I was behind a man holding a six-pack of beer. I stepped back with the heel of my foot, waited for the customer in front of me. I breathed out again.

"Ow," someone spoke in pain as I moved up.

"Sorry," I apologized, looking at the person behind me.

"It's ok." Olivia's soft voice said behind me, I turned around. She was in her pjs and gray sneakers. I haven't seen her since the party. She pushed a piece of hair behind her ear, looking down at the floor. She hid her cute smile from me, holding onto her items against her chest: gummy worms, water and dark chocolate.

"Couldn't sleep?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"No," I cleared my throat. I moved forward to the line as the last person made their purchase and left the store. She let out a tired exhale. These days, sleep felt like another job. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted. The cashier in the black vest mumbled hello to me, placing the stuff on the counter, and he rang them up slowly. "Also 20 on pump 6."

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