Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
The head piece was taken off as I arrived. Loki, my father, was there, his face slightly pale. Many guards surrounded him so he could not save me. I glanced at him, not saying a word. Thor talked along the way, but I didn't listen. I already knew what was going to happen, because now Thor was king. I was taken to prison, to the newly added torture chamber. I took a sharp intake of breath, trying to remain calm. There was a cubical outside the chamber, where I was to change in tight black pants, and a matching black shirt. in tried to smuggle my bracelet that holds my armour, but I was caught. I was pushed into the cell, my blond hair already knotted. I didn't know that in 4 hours time, I would know true pain.
When that time came, images slowly crept into my head, images that filled my body with fear. A scream was lifted to my lips, and I let it out. It was high and piercing, my eyes wide.
Up on the throne, Thor was watching in marvel as I crippled with pain. Loki saw this, too. he bounded towards Thor, angry and scared. "brother!" Loki barked, his eyes, like my own, wide with fear. "stop this nonsense at once!"
"No. Kenya has much power, Loki." Thor spat my name, his voice filled with amusement, with a twinge of regret. "If she does not learn how to contain it, then she shall face the consequents."
Loki kept pleading for it to stop, my screams ringing in the deserted corridors. For about an hour this continued, but it seemed like a lifetime for me. Once it stopped, i still lay there, my hands on my head, tears streaming down my face. I breathed hard, my chest rising and falling rapidly.

Loki's daughter- a battle of Blue and GreenWhere stories live. Discover now