Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

About a week after I had found that I was supposed to be the queen of Asgard, Thor had come to fetch me to meet SHIELD. I had used my fire quite often when my cell became freezing, which was often. I simply focused on my flames and I spurted them from my hands around me.
As the guards escorted me to the prepping station (where they basically make me look like a Midgardian), I didn't say a word until I had gotten into an all white room, with a steel table in the centre. I stopped dead in my tracks. "what is this?" I asked. "Be still," the voice of my uncle booming. I felt his presence at my shoulder, and the second I turned my head, a needle was inserted into my neck. I groaned, my fingers fumbling to my neck. after a minute or so, I fell into a sleep. I was placed on the table and a prep team came to make me look like a mortal.
According to Asgardian history, when you are my age at 362, you are at least 13 years of age on Midgard. The prep team did much research to make me look like a typical 'teenager.' They put me in makeup, something called jeans, an emerald green shirt, and a black sweatshirt with the words "Horse Power" sewn across the chest.
When I woke, I bolted into a sitting position, my eyes wide with rage. My hands ignited, spreading upwards to my arms. Instantly, as if it were unreal, my father froze my hands. How dare he? I growled, not liking the cold material on my hands. fire-resistant thin gloves were pressed on my hand as I cracked the ice, blocks of ice bursting everywhere. hands guided me to my feet, but I pushed them away. that's how I was raised. I was taught to never be helped for something minor such as standing. I looked at my feet, and black fury boots were on my feet. the back of them read Uggs. Loki ushered me forwards, and straightening my shoulders, I took long strides towards the Rainbow bridge.

Loki's daughter- a battle of Blue and GreenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ