Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I had stayed face down on the cold, dark floor for quite a while, trying to regain my breathing back to normal. When I had finally had the strength, I pulled myself to the wall, propping my back against the cold stone.

There was no light in this cell, only darkness. It's fits my personality. Dark and evil. It was only the first day of 3 years, and I already was ready to get out of here. My eyes darted around, even though I knew I wouldn't be able to see anything. I just hoped I would, something, anything.

But I didn't. Not a single light, not a single person. Not for a while, at least. In what I felt like was morning, a guard came in carrying a plastic tray. I look up, my blue eyes bloodshot, my cheeks stained with tears. He set it down next to me, and left. I could barely see, so I closed my eyes for a moment. When I reopened my eyes, they were green. The brightest of greens. Just as my father taught me, i had produced light to my eyes, making me Able to see. I picked up the tray and saw a simple piece of bread, and a single leg of a chicken. i slowly ate it, savoring each bite I had. I closed my eyes and threw the tray aside. and I stayed like that until it was time to become tortured once more.

Over time I had grown accustomed to the torture. I did not scream, I did not cry. Father must be proud. that's how it always was. always having to please him. Now, even though I was in a .Torture Chamber, I was free. Free from people I despised, free from the girl I used to be. But then again, is that good?

I stood from my seat on the stone, gripping the wall for support. Prison had done many things to change me. for example, due to the little food I has able to have, I had grown so skinny you could see where each bone was. Most people would call me unhealthy, and they would pity me. I swore to myself that once I got out, I will wear it on my sleeve. An act of bravery, showing that I was still me.

I glanced at the camera in the corner of the cell with disgust. By now I had spent at least 2 1/2 years in the Chamber. and still each night, when new Images crept inside my brain, I did not scream. I did not wither in pain. i had heard rumors of the outside world, saying that something was wrong with me, that I needed to be punished more. and Thor listened. he did, and still I did not cower.

Because I am me. and I am strong. I am brave.

One night, on the day where I officially stayed 3 years in hell, I had a visitor. a person I least expected, somebody I thought who cared but I guess I was wrong.

At the time he came, I was asleep soundly in the corner, my back facing my door. He came up to me, and got on his knees next to my frail body. he reached his hand out and put his hand on my hip. "Kenya," he said loudly, waking me. I groaned, rolling on my back. as always, my long, tangled hair got stuck beneath my back. I opened my eyes to see him. I bolted to my feet, my eyes about as wide as plates. I breathed heavily as I stared into the face of my father. of Loki.

Loki's daughter- a battle of Blue and GreenWhere stories live. Discover now