Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Later on the tour, I had gotten bored, and I leaned my head against the window, closing my eyes. Words disappeared, all thoughts, all emotions. I fell into a deep sleep, and nobody knew but when it was time to go back to Asgard. "Kenya, come on!" Thor said, not realizing I was asleep. he looked back at me, and barked at Loki to get me. My father gently picked my frail body up, letting me sleep. We were transported back to Asgard, and I was taken-to my greatest surprise- not to my cell, but to my old sleeping chambers. Everything was left as it was, not a single item disturbed. loki placed me on my bed, putting the covers over me.

A few hours later I awoke, rolling over on my side. I opened my weary eyes and looked around. I smiled softly, seeing my riding clothes in my open closet. I jumped up, and took off the jeans, shirt, and shoes, and pulled on my blue riding dress, as all Asgardian women wore to ride. I put on my black boots, and strode out, my footsteps silent. I ran out to greet my horses, crying out in joy. I threw my arms around MoonDust, as well as the others. I groomed each of them by hand, and pulled Metallic out of his stall to ride him.

Loki had come out, and so had Thor. They quietly came towards me, watching as I preformed a lot of difficult 'dance moves', or also known as Dressage. a crowd had gathered, in awe as they saw what I could do, but also in fear and shock as I was out of my cell. I knew they were here, and I knew why. To take me back to my cell, for me to decide which 2 of my precious horses I shall take with me to Midgard. After I had finished, Loki and Thor stayed. I glanced in their direction and trotted to the stables. Beyond the stables there was a forest, filled with dark trees. a perfect hiding spot. With a plan in my head, I took out all of my horses, each of their royal tack on them. I held their reins in my hand, sitting upon Betrayal. I looked towards my father and my half-uncle who weren't looking, and I took off, all creatures soaring with me.

I galloped into the woods, stopping when I heard an alarm. The alarm signaling somebody had escaped. I looked back, and there was mass chaos. People were running in fear all around, all warriors hurrying all around Asgard. I smirked and kicked the horses back into action, stopping when I could no longer hear the sirens, I could no longer hear screaming. I slowed to a walk, and took the horses to a pond. I took off their tack, setting it down on the ground. Once I had begun to relax, I laid down on my back, watching my horses wade in the water.

Loki's daughter- a battle of Blue and GreenWhere stories live. Discover now