Chapter 3

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Loki was on his knees before me, quickly standing. he looked at me, pity in his eyes. I hated pity. as I stared at him, I was feeling many mixed emotions. Happiness, because he was here, but also anger, because he decided to come and visit 3 years later. Loki reached out to embrace me, and I too reached out my hand. but not to hug. I brought my hand back, and slapped him across the face. I decided I was infuriated. he looked very taken aback. I looked at him pleased at my work. "Kenya!" Loki exclaimed, his eyes wide. "this is the time you come to visit?" I asked, my eyes wide with anger. "3 years afterwards?" He didn't say anything. I snorted in disbelief, ad turned my back to him. who did he think he was?

"Of what purpose have you?" I asked, glancing at him. Loki cleared his throat and spoke loudly again. "Thor has demanded to see you." at those words, I spun around, my eyes half-filled with fear. "Thor? What have I done now?" I asked, my nostrils flaring.


I didn't believe him. I stood for a few moments, looking at his dagger in his pocket. "may I see your dagger? I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." he was hesitant, but finally have the blade to me. I gathered my long hair in my fist and arranged it to about shoulder length. I held the dagger at my shoulder, and I finally cut at least a foot of hair off of my head. I shook my head, watching the hair fall to the floor. I handed the dagger back, and walked past him. "coming?" I asked as I disappeared around the door. I stopped to make my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness; it felt like I was looking at the sun. I breathed in the air, smiling slightly. My new haircut, the light, being outside my cell made me feel free, like I was on top of Asgard.

Loki's daughter- a battle of Blue and GreenWhere stories live. Discover now