Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The guards soon came to fetch me, practically pulling me out of my room. I was interacted to wear just a sports bra and what Midgardians call 'gym shorts.'

With chains on my hands and feet, I was taken out to the centre of the palace, to a huge cement slab was. There I saw my father was nowhere to be seen, but Odin and Thor were in the dead centre to attach me to the wooden pole. I walked to them, controlling my breathing. They pulled my chains tightly on a small ring on the pole, my hands hanging. I was instructed to go on my knees, and to bend my head. I did as I was told. Might as well not make it worse.

I closed my eyes, hearing the whip being drawn back as soon as the crowd arrived. Forcefully, the whip was drawn down on my back, resulting in a painful cry from me. I felt my blood roll down my back, hot and sticky.

Over and over again the whip was brought down, and over and over I screamed out in pain. I knew my father wouldn't approve of me screaming, but at this moment, I didn't care. the pain was too immense.

By the time the 15 lashes were finished, my back was bloody and scarred, the post burned slightly, and I was trembling. I took in shaky breathes, gasping for air. once the crowd left, Thor came over and undid my chains. I fell to the ground, my hands breaking my fall. I stayed there for several minutes before dragging myself up. "Happy now?" I asked, glaring up at Thor. I didn't let him respond. I turned on my heel and limped to my sleeping chambers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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