Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I stood in the throne room once more, looking straight at my grandfather, uncle, and my father. I wasn't shaking, because I wasn't afraid. I've faced worse than a little stare down. I stood quietly, watching as the 3 argued and talked. "No, I'm not seeing my daughter having lashes in her back!" I heard Loki saying to the others, shaking his head furiously. I widened my eyes slightly, taking a sharp intake of breathe. Is that seriously what they're going to do? Whip me? No, my father would not allow such a thing. I crossed my arms and tried to look innocent the best I could.

Once the 3 had decided they turned and faced me. I uncrossed my arms, looking up at them.

"Kenya," Odin said, stepping forwards. Was it funny that my father was pale, his mouth in a firm line.

"Yes?" I said, not looking at Loki anymore.

"15 lashes." he said after a moment of dramatic pause.

So they're really going to whip me?! Of all things, they decide to whip me!

"W-what?" I said, as if not understanding. "You're going to whip me, the Princess of Asgard, like a mule?" I was outraged at this point.

"Yes. We shall fetch you in a few hours to follow through with your punishment."

No! They couldn't possibly! My father agreed to this?!

"Father, you couldn't have possibly agreed to such a thing!" to be honest, I was very hurt. why didn't he say anything?

I finally got too annoyed and stormed out, heading to my chambers. they didn't seem to mind, because it was easier then fetching me in my cell.

The moment I arrived I threw myself down on the bed, sighing.

So this is what is to become of me? A whip lashed, fire producing, banished Princess?

My life was so unfair.


Ugh sorry it's so short y'all! So busy with horses and my others stories DX

Btw, go read my latest story, Adopted By Tom Hiddleston! It's the one with the red The Fault In Our Stars font XD

Loki's daughter- a battle of Blue and GreenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя