Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I stared at my hands, grinning slightly at my newly found power. Thor went off to find a book or something. My father had gone with him, clearly concerned. the guards didn't react to my fire.

Thor returned shortly, looking intently at a page in a book. "find anything?" I said boredly.

"It says here," he said, slamming the book down on a nearby table. "that she who posses the power of fire, shall be..." he cut off, his eyes widening slightly. "what? I shall be what?" I said, taking a few steps towards so I could at least see that page. On it there was a girl with familiar blue eyes, and blond, curly hair. Her palms were held face up besides her, flames producing out of her palms. she looked like myself. I stepped back, half in fear, half because I didn't want to look at it anymore. "She.. she shall be the ruler of all of Asgard, when or if she comes to age." I dropped my mouth, my eyes widening. Loki looked towards me, happiness, and jealously in his eyes. I had no words. "I'm... what?" I said, my voice no more than a whisper. I wasn't sure what Thor nor Loki was going to do; all I knew that whatever the outcome was, it was not exactly going to be a coronation.


Hey! Thank you for reading my story so far!! I can't believe I've hit 300 people reading my story!!!! so happy about that.

Anyways, I would love if y'all gave me feedback on my story in the comments!! Thanks!

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