09. Half-Baked Dramatic Exits

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Akane still wasn't sure how she ended up on this godforsaken island, but here she was, feet sore and head aching as she followed the Scooby Gang plus one around to play their numerous card games.

Bakura and Tea had asked her, leaving her more or less incapable of saying no. So far, it was proving to be possibly the worst week of her life.

"Are you quite alright, Akane-san?" Bakura's voice came from behind her, somehow slightly more sinister than usual. She looked over her shoulder to see his, standing above her seated figure. It was nearly three in the morning and Akane couldn't fathom why he was awake.

She shrugged and looked back into the darkness of the forest, "Fine. Why are you awake?"

She convinced herself she was only interested for cautionary purposes.

He smiled a bit, sickly sweet, before sitting beside her, completely uninvited, "I don't know, I just felt restless, I suppose."

Akane stole a glance at his face. Maybe it was because it was dark, but in the minimal moonlight that was casting shadows through the trees on to his face Bakura looked meaner. His eyes seemed narrower, picking up on little movement with devious perceptiveness. She could tell that he was watching her out of his peripherals, a talent that not many people had. People did this because they wanted to be able to catch the person off-guard if needed, or deny all claims of watching.

She pressed her lips together, unwrapping one arm from around her legs to pull her ponytail over her other shoulder.

"You don't sleep often," Bakura said, eyes now more focused on the darkness in front of the two of them.

Akane shook her head, "I never really have."


"I used to get nightmares, but now sleeping is just hard, like my conscious brain doesn't want my subconscious to have control. There's not really a good reason."

"That's too bad," he smirked, "I'm sure you look lovely when sleeping."

She snorted, "You mean more vulnerable? That's another reason I don't like sleeping."

She stood up and he watched her, tilting his head to one side, "Oh?"

"I don't like being taken by surprise," she turned on her heel, walking into the darkness of the woods.

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Those Who Mourn the Wicked [Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura x OC]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu