04. Don't Leave Your Children Around Dead People

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These things were best not to dwell on. Dwelling on such things and taking their significance as much greater than it is was what created people like her parents. People who chased myths and legends and forgot there four year old daughter in the backroom with the all too preserved dead people of the British Museum.

She shivered at the memory. Perhaps the last time she felt real fear. Now she just felt the occasional tension, and when it was really bad, a predatory instinct to attack.

Akane was still doodling in the margins of her notebook, even though it was lunchtime. She didn't feel hungry and probably wouldn't eat until she got home.  Her grey eyes were locked with the window as her hand continued to move on its own.

She heard footsteps approaching her, lunchtime allowing students to mingle between classrooms.

She recognized the voices and somewhere in the back of her mind made a note that the students were in fact the Scooby Gang. While Akane didn't have a specific group of friends, she would usually end up being forced to hang out with Yugi and co, simply because they tried their damndest to include her in everything they did. It annoyed her, but not enough for her to do anything about it.

However, she didn't recognize the aura of the person who ended up stopping right beside her, staring over her shoulder. She looked up into violet eyes, Yugi, but he seemed oddly unfamiliar. It made her stomach churn.

"Why have you drawn and Ankh in the margins, Shinda-san?" Yugi asked, his voice lacking his usual optimistic spunk. She suddenly realized that the Scooby Gang had indeed flocked around her desk, Joey and Tristan dueling each other while Tea watched. She blinked staring down at her own notebook before grimacing.

"A marvelous question," she replied, grabbing her eraser.

Yugi's hand stopped her before she could though and her eyes trailed up from his finger, to his wrist to his shoulder to his eyes. He smiled.

"It's nice, you shouldn't erase it." He smiled a little more, "It's a symbol for eternal life, and to some people, it was also a symbol of protection."

 Akane felt a weird sense of déjà vu flood over her. Odd. She straightened her back, making herself a bit taller, "I know. That doesn't change the fact that my parent's life and passion is obviously interfering with my brain waves."

Yugi held her wrist still, not allowing her to erase it still, "Perhaps. Have you spoken to them recently, Shinda-san?"

"No," she sighed, giving up on erasing and instead simply closing her book. She thought of the Ankh again. Who would even want to life forever? It seemed like a pain, having to live through that much change, not being able to quit.

Her head felt foggy in the way it usually got when she didn't get nearly enough sleep. She excused herself politely, before heading to the washroom. On her way, she spotted a small group of girls crowding around the boy she had met yesterday, Bakura. She giggled a bit to herself before turning the corner into the girl's washroom. She took her pill-case out and popped a pill into her mouth, filling her water bottle as she dry swallowed it.

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Those Who Mourn the Wicked [Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura x OC]Where stories live. Discover now