02. Voices

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        Akane walked down her street, hands shoved into the pockets of her pink blazer as she let out a deep sigh. The street she lived on was almost in the heart of the downtown area. It was busy and noisy and occasionally held some pretty shady characters. Of course, none that would dare mess with Akane. Not because Akane was well known for her ass kicking abilities, though they were formidable, but because many of them knew her aunt, Natsuko Shinda, the woman she lived with.

        Natsuko and Akane shared a lot of similarities. They were both black sheep in their family and they both had a bit of a ‘bad girl’ reputation. While Akane’s was due to her inability to keep her mouth shut and fascination with death and dismemberment, Natsuko’s was based on her charm and god-complex.

        Also, the fact that she was a defense lawyer with friends in very, very low places. If there was one person in the world who could get away with murder, it was Natsuko.

        “I’m going out for the night, love,” Natsuko smiled as Akane entered through the front door. The woman had her hair down in loose curls and lipstick nearly as red as Akane’s hair. Her heels made her a good four inches taller than her niece. “I’ll be home around five, hopefully. I have a huge court meeting at 9, so, if I’m not home by then, gimme a call.”

        Akane could smell her perfume wafting in the air as the door closed behind her. She sighed a little more and dropped her book bag on the kitchen table.

        For someone with many funds, Natsuko lived in a fairly small apartment. There were two rooms and a bathroom, and the kitchen wasn’t at all separated from the front door. Not to mention, it was more or less the same room as the living room.

        After pouring herself some tea, she walked into her room.

        Akane’s room was rather larger and very dark. The walls were painted a burgundy colour, making the room seem smaller, which had led Akane to covering much of the wall in different shaped mirrors. The spots that weren’t covered with mirrors were covered with posters of her favourite horror movies. Old Halloween decoration hung from hooks and cast eerie shadows from her window sill.

        In the centre of the room, was her four post bed, hand painted black with ghostbusters bed spread.

        It was a very little known fact that Akane had an obsession with creepy things. Including the dorkier or more ‘cutesy creepy’ things. The paranormal fascinated her just as much as watching red corn syrup did. Her room, in the words of her aunt, look liked it was decorated by the capitalism that ruled Halloween and the Addam’s Family.

        She flopped on to her bed and closed her eyes, an image of the boy flashing into her mind. He was extremely cute. Half in the way of puppy and half in the way of someone she wouldn’t mind waking up to.

        Though, she supposed she wouldn’t mind waking up to a puppy either.

        She sighed a little as her mind started to fade a bit. Despite being an insomniac, right after school, Akane could usually squeeze out about an hour of sleep.

        However, before her mind could drift off to slumber land, the image of the boy reappeared in her head, though much more tanned and much less friendly looking. A scar on his cheek, shorter hair, older. She furrowed her brows before she heard a voice whisper a name into her ear.

        Her eyes snapped open and she shot up to attack the assailant who whispered, only to find no one there.

        She blinked before falling back on to her bed.

        Maybe having two Ouija boards in her room was a bad idea.

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Those Who Mourn the Wicked [Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura x OC]Where stories live. Discover now