11. Bad Dreams

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When Akane awoke on Ryou's couch, her phone informed her that it was nearly five in the morning. She had been impressed that she had fallen asleep in the first place, but also completely disgusted with herself that she let herself fall victim to her horrible Ancient Egypt dreams.

This time she had been in some sort of palace, staring down at the girl in the ram head, who was lying very still on some sort of alter, or maybe it was a sick bed. Either way, she was still and the people who surrounded her looked mournful.

She was obviously dead.

Though Akane was obviously not present in the dream, she was still wary about walking forward. She took a few steps, though, until she was positioned directly over top of the girl. She looked like a child, maybe a tween.

And as soon as she had been above her, her mind gave her the biggest jump scare in the world. Through the eye-holes of the skull, piercing grey eyes met Akane's, open and wide.

She woke up then, shivering and feeling slightly nauseated. Her head began to pound as another image flashed behind her eyelids. A man in a read cloak. Perhaps he had been in the dream too, a part of one of the segments Akane could no longer remember now that she was awake.

She looked down at her arm and swore, for a split second, she saw some sort of hieroglyph or maybe a ritual symbol, burned on to it.

Footsteps broke her out of her mind as a very sleepy looking Ryou Bakura appeared in the entrance of the living room.

"Akane?" he asked, speaking in English, "Are you alright?"

Akane nodded once, "I'm fine. Just had a weird dream."

"Do you want some tea?"

"...Perhaps yes."

"I'll go put the kettle on."

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