13. Wake

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Ryou knew that it must've been sometime in the just morning hours when his phone vibrated once, rousing him from a half-lucid state of conversation he had been in with his darker half. Akane always texted him around this time. He was pretty sure it was because she had run out of better things to do with her night, but he didn't mind. He liked her little text messages, no matter how silly they were or how much they detracted from his faith in humanity. Admittedly, her insomnia had worried him at first, but she seemed to function well enough without sleep. He let it go after she convinced him it wasn't that bad.

are you up?

He read the words on the screen a smiled a little, earning a disgusted scoff from his other half.

He texted back a quick Yes and sat up, eagerly awaiting her response.

'I don't see why you're so taken with this girl,' his darker half mumbled in the back of his mind, 'you've tried to make friends beforehand. Remember how this sort of thing usually ends.'

Ryou glared a little at the threat, 'I don't think you'd hurt her. She doesn't know anything and she's not nearly close enough to your goal to be worth hurting.'

His darker-half sneered in response, 'Don't put too much faith in me, hikari.'

'You just don't want to admit you like her too,' Ryou sighed, watching his phone light up and checking the message quickly.

okay, so one ghost meets another ghost on the street and asks how he's doing.

He wasn't sure where exactly this was going, but he knew that it was going to be a very bad joke. Anything that involved ghosts at this hour in the morning was generally a bad joke when coming from Aka.

the other ghost replies with 'oh, i'm pretty vengeful. you?' and the first ghost is like, 'oh yeah? spooky. me, i'm pretty okay.'

There was a pause, in her messages, but the little ellipse at the bottom of his screen told him there was more to come. He smirked a bit at the fact that his darker half was listening to the texts as well. He was obviously curious about her. He hadn't hurt her yet and he had had plenty of opportunities.

what does the other ghost say as a reply?

Ryou blinked. He had no idea, but he was sort of dreading the answer. A boy his age could only take in so much bad humour a day.

I don't know. What? He texted back, furrowing his brows as the ellipses appeared once more.

'wow, you're superneutral.'

His expression fell as he stared blankly at the screen and he could hear his darker-self cackling away in the back of his head. He wasn't sure if it was because he found the joke funny, or found Ryou's utter defeat as this woman's repeated 'wit' hilarious, but he was obviously amused.

spooky, right?

He sighed a little, carefully massaging the bridge of his nose as his other-half came down from his laughter.

'You're right, hikari. This woman's priceless.'

Ryou texted back a quick The spookiest. and discarded the phone beside his pillow before turning around and smothering himself with it. He never knew 'priceless' and 'insufferable' were synonymous.

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Those Who Mourn the Wicked [Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura x OC]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat