05. In Which Waring Bling Causes Injury

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        Akane wasted a few more minutes in the washroom, staring at her face and focusing on her breathing. Maybe it was because she hadn't eaten, but she felt more faint than usual.

        She sighed, turning away from the mirror to lean her back against the counter. She stared up at the ceiling. Maybe she should give up on sleep all together, take up meditating instead. Her eyes closed and her other senses heightened, namely her hearing. She cocked an eyebrow at the sound of a groan coming from the next door boy's washroom. Her eyes opened again and she pressed her ear to the wall. Definitely a groan.

        Her expression fell flat. Being elected Student Council Rep, she would be lying if she said that this was the first time she had heard sexual acts going on in a bathroom.Apparently there were a lot of horny teenagers at Domino High. But a bathroom, really? That just seemed...unsanitary.

        She sighed deeply, walking out of the girl's bathroom and moving towards the boy's, taking the out of order sign from the wall and hanging it on the door as she walked in, door swinging closed behind her like clockwork.

        Her eyes landed on the familiar figure of new kid, Ryou Bakura, hunched over a sink, looking very ill. Well then, at least he wasn't boning any of the members of his new posse, she supposed. He looked up at her and terror swept over his features. Perhaps because she was a girl in the boy's washroom or perhaps because he obviously wasn't feeling well. Either way, she didn't know, or care.

         "Are you dying?" she deadpanned, cocking her head to the side as she crossed her arms. That would make this day better. She had never actually seen a freshly dead body before.

        "I don't think so..." he smiled, the crease in his brow obviously indicating he was in some sort of pain, "Just, fell and well..."

        He cut himself off with a wince and it took Akane exactly two seconds to pinpoint which part of his body was in pain. His chest. Now she just had to figure out why.

        She closed the distance between him, placing her hands on either side of the sink-counter, trapping him between her and the sinks. Her eyes focused on his and stayed there for a few moments, gauging his reaction. Mostly just shock. Good, good.

        She dropped her eyes and began unbuttoning his school uniform.

        "M-Miss Shinda!!" he sputtered, face turning a very pleasing shade of red as he broke into English.

        She rolled her eyes.

        "Don't worry, I'm not threatening your integrity, I'm just finding out why you're in so much..." her eyes widened as the blue uniform shirt fell open, "...pain."

        Blood was seeping into the white of his under shirt, soaking it in a dotted, circular pattern. She knew from watching horror movies that these were obviously stab or puncture wounds. Suddenly, the idea of helping him had fled her mind and she found herself fascinated by the injury. Her left hand pulled his shirt up, revealing the weapon in question. A rather shiny bit of bling, a necklace with a ring as the pendant, an eye being the most notable feature. From the ring hung five prongs, each that were halfway into Ryou Bakura's chest.

        She blinked watching as a bit of the blood oozed out from around the prongs, the drop slowly rolling down his very pale skin.

        "How the Hell did you manage this?" she mumbled, tearing her eyes from the wound and back up to Bakura. He didn't seem to have an answer, but he tried his best to stutter out a few vowel sounds. She shook her head once, "Never mind, hold your shirt up for a second."

Those Who Mourn the Wicked [Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura x OC]Where stories live. Discover now