Chapter 13: Actually on Vacation

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The next day they left early in the morning. What was their first location? Wang Yuan's house.

As they went in Wang Yuan's mom came out to greet them.

"Hello, auntie," they said being polite.

"Hello Xiao Kai, Qian Xi. You must be y/n, it's so nice to meet you. I'm sorry Wang Yuan has to drag you all here to pick up something," replied Wang Yuan's mom.

"It's no problem auntie, your place is on the way anyways," answered Jun Kai.

Wang Yuan just then came out with another suitcase. "Alright I'm ready," he said.

"Bye Auntie," they said. "Bye mom," said Wang Yuan. And with that they went into the car and started to head to their first destination.

They began with a camping trip (I know I'm really original and clearly insane because camping). When they found a good spot to set up camp, Jun Kai sent Wang Yuan to find firewood while he and Qian Xi set up the tents.

You were allowed to sit there and stare into the distance thinking, which was fine by you. You thought about Wang Yuan, Jun Kai, and Qian Xi. You thought about the time when Wang Yuan kissed you, when they came to save you from the girls. You thought for a really long time.

Wang Yuan came back with plenty of firewood and noticed you sitting there.

He came up beside you and asked, "Hey, what you thinking about?"

"Oh," you said blushing, "n-nothing much just looking at the beautiful scenery."

"We needed a vacation and we thought you needed a vacation too," said Wang Yuan answering your unasked question.

'How is he so perceptive sometimes? And other time he's a goof ball?' you thought.

"Lunch will be ready soon, I heard Qian Xi is making his famous stew for dinner so don't eat too much for lunch," said Wang Yuan.

"Thanks," you replied staring into his eyes.

Jun Kai and Qian Xi Perspective:

They watch Wang Yuan approach y/n. A stab of jealousy ran through Jun Kai and Qian Xi.

"Hey Qian Xi, do you feel the same as me?" whispered Jun Kai.

"What do you mean?" asked Qian Xi.

"Never mind, I'll tell you later," said Jun Kai.

However from this exchange, Qian Xi guessed Jun Kai also felt jealous when he saw Wang Yuan and Jun Kai.

He temporary dismissed it. Jun Kai will talk to him when he wants to.

They turn back to working on sandwiches for their lunch.

Back to y/n Perspective:

After a while, Jun Kai called you to eat lunch. You head to the boys asking, "Where we going after lunch?"

With his mouth full, Wang Yuan said, "We going on a hike."

"Wang Yuan, how many times do I have to tell you to NOT talk with your mouth full," scolded Jun Kai.

"Sorry," apologized Wang Yuan with his mouth still full. Jun Kai sighed.

After eating the sandwiches they started to walk in the beautiful forest.

A few hours later... (Cause nothing happened)

You ask, "Can we take a break my legs are really tired?"

Jun Kai checked his watch and the map and said, "We have to move a bit faster, otherwise we'll be walking in the dark back to camp."

"One of us can carry you," said Wang Yuan, "how much longer do we have?"

"Well we have about 2 hours left, so each of us will carry y/n for about 40 minutes each," replied Jun Kai.

You blushed and felt bad that they had to carry you back. So you said,"No it's ok I'll keep walking then."

A few minutes later you tripped and fell to the ground. All three boys ran to you. Qian Xi took out his handy first aid kit again and examined you for a minute.

"You just twisted your ankle, I'll tie a cold pack to your foot for now but we'll have to carry you back to camp," explained Qian Xi.

Jun Kai took the first shift as they trudged back to the camp. Soon it was time for Wang Yuan to carry Y/n. They ended up seeing the sun set with a few miles away from the camp.

Qian Xi took over now, but what they didn't realize was the stab of jealously when another member carried y/n (Well except Qian Xi he realized he was jealous).

With a little help from Jun Kai's flashlight, they found their camp and quickly lit a fire.

While Qian Xi fixed you up, Wang Yuan and Jun Kai began making dinner.

Soon all four of you finished dinner (unfortunately not Qian Xi's famous stew because he was fixing you up) and sat around the campfire.

"I'm sorry for making you all carry me back," you apologize.

"Don't apologize, we were just happy we could help you out," replied Jun Kai.

"I'm tired," you said, "I'm going to sleep.

"Good night y/n," said the TFboys.

And with that you went into your tent and fell quickly asleep.

TFboys Perspective:

"So Wang Yuan, you're getting pretty close to y/n. Close enough to kiss her," said Jun Kai. Wang Yuan blushed deeply.

"Jun Kai, don't tease Wang Yuan like that," said Qian Xi, "but we did see you kiss her, mind if you explain?"

"Uh, I just felt like it, um I kind of like her," said Wang Yuan.

"Well, I like her too," declared Jun Kai.

Wang Yuan looked at Qian Xi and said, "Don't tell me you like her too?"

Qian Xi blushed.

"Well this is a bit awkward," said Wang Yuan.

"Regardless of what happens between us and y/n, friends forever," said Jun Kai.

"Friends forever," echoed Wang Yuan and Qian Xi.

They then left for their tent to get a good night sleep.

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