Chapter 34: The parents

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Ding Dong. Ding Dong. Ding Dong. Ding Dong.

You woke up to someone repeatedly pushing the door bell. You checked the time, 1:21 am. 'Who in the right mind would ring the doorbell at 1:21 am?' you though.

You walk out of your room and met Jun Kai and Qian Xi heading down too.

"Hello? May I know your names, uncle and auntie?" said Wang Yuan as he opened the door. When you got down to see the visitors properly your mouth dropped. "Mom, Dad?!" you said.

"Oh so your y/n's parents, Uncle and Auntie, y/n has told many stories about your family," said Jun Kai quickly trying to understand the situation.

"Y/n why are you in a house with three boys. Don't you know how dangerous that is? What if they try to take advantage of you?" asked your father.

You flew into a frenzy saying, "And you think you know better? These three boys have saved me so many times and have protected me from other people that are dangerous. Without them I wouldn't be here talking to you."

"I demand you to move out of here into a dorm with girls only," commanded your father.

"Ugh. Why can't you stay away? Stop trying to control my life," you said as you run back up to your room.

TFboys Perspective:

"I'll head up to calm y/n you two do something with their parents, I'll be down after she's asleep," whispered Wang Yuan. With that he headed up to y/n's room.

"Uncle, Auntie, my name is Yi Yang Qian Xi, that's Wang Jun Kai, and the one that went upstairs is Wang Yuan. All three of us promised to protect y/n. We caught some girls trying to bully y/n and through the agreement of the school we decided she was safest with us here at our house," explained Qian Xi.

"Don't you want your daughter happy? She's been great company and has even started a new division to train girls in the entertainment business. I think if you understood her more maybe you can see things from her perspective," continued Jun Kai.

"I don't think you boys are bad at all, I'm sorry for my husband's strong words, he sometimes jumps to conclusions," said y/n's mother.

"Thank you auntie for believing us, are you tired from your flight? Would you like some tea or water?" asked Jun Kai.

"Tea for me and if you have coffee some coffee for my husband otherwise tea is fine for him," replied y/n's mother. Jun Kai headed for the kitchen to prepare tea and coffee while Qian Xi led y/n's parents to the living room.

Y/n and Wang Yuan's Perspective:

You ran back to your room crying. Wang Yuan entered soon after and found you on the bed. He came over and sat on the bed putting an arm around you comforting you.

"It's ok, just cry it all out," he cooed. You cried on his shoulder for a long time while he rocked you back and forth.

"Your dad is just trying to look out for you, he wants to protect you, but don't worry, we'll make him see we can do that too," comforted Wang Yuan.

After you stopped crying you slowly fell asleep on his shoulder. He smiled and kissed you on the forehead before tucking you in bed. He made sure you were comfortable before heading down to talk to your parent's.

TFboys Perspective:

Jun Kai came in with the tea and coffee.

"You see we are the TFboys, we are a boy band that is extremely well known here in China. We would never try to take advantage of y/n. She's like a sister to us and the TF Family," explained Qian Xi.

Several minutes later, Wang Yuan came down. "And what were you doing with my daughter?" questioned y/n's father.

"You upset her; she ran up and cried on my shoulder for a really long time. After she fell asleep I tucked her in and came here, don't you dare accuse me of anything," said Wang Yuan his usual cheerful disposition quickly disappear.

Y/n's dad and Wang Yuan glared at each other.

"Stop that, we are guests here, don't fight with the hosts," said y/n's mother to her husband.

"Wang Yuan, it's fine, he understands we promised to protect y/n," said Jun Kai. Wang Yuan's scowl disappears as he returned to his normal state.

30 minutes later...

"Do Auntie and Uncle have a place to sleep? We have a spare room if you would like to rest here for today?" offered Jun Kai.

"Thank you, that would be wonderful," said y/n mother. She elbowed her husband, "Oh right, thank you for your hospitality."

"This way please," led Jun Kai.

The next day...

Y/n Perspective:

You woke up and stretched. All of a sudden you remember what happened earlier today. You get dressed quickly and run downstairs. Your jaw dropped a second time when you saw your mom chatting with Wang Yuan at the table.

"Mom?" you said flabbergasted. You then saw your dad reading the newspaper at the table.

"Hey honey. Wang Yuan here was telling me about your new job, I'm so proud of you," she said.

"Thanks mom, when did you guys arrive?" you asked. "Oh, yesterday at about 11 pm, we wanted to see you," replied your mom.

You sat down and started eating breakfast. Soon your parents had to leave for their planned tour of China.

You flopped on the couch already tired. The TFboys all came to sit with you.

"Thanks for helping me. I don't know what I would have done without you three," you thanked them.

"We have to back you, your our sister," said Jun Kai.

"Yeah, of course, there's no way we won't help our little sister," continued Qian Xi.

Wang Yuan just smiled at you, no words were needed; he was the shoulder you needed to keep going.

You four ended up watching dramas for the rest of the day before turning in for the night.

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