Chapter 27: A Date with Wang Yuan Part 1

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In the short two weeks, you quickly became an outstanding actor. The director and all the other actors, cameramen, and workers were impressed.

The CEO of TF Entertainment even written up a contract asking for you to join. At your request the CEO gave you a few more weeks to decide whether to accept it. The TFboys have tactfully allowed you space to make your own decision.

You thought long and hard about it. Finally you agreed to work under the TF Family (mostly because the TFboys were there).

After all the action, you four returned to school and continued lessons. The TFboys kept you safe and prevent other boys and girls from getting to you. All three of them were over protective teenagers, but you didn't mind.

The week was going by quickly, but you kept wondering when Wang Yuan would take you out on your date. After all, you still had to go on a date with Jun Kai and figure out whether you want one of them as a boyfriend.

On Friday, when you, Jun Kai, and Qian Xi was at school, you realized Wang Yuan wasn't there.

You were confused so you asked Jun Kai, "Have you seen Wang Yuan today? I remember him getting into the car with us but he's not here."

Jun Kai shrugs, "Wang Yuan sometimes does that, he just doesn't show up. Sometimes he's visiting his parents, other times we don't know what he's doing."

You three continue to listen to the lecture waiting for the final bell. After waiting for what seemed like an eon, the bell rang dismissing everyone from class for the day.

When you got back to the house (AN: Technically again they have a house instead of a dorm because they are the TFboys and you are with them because the other girls would bully you), you still couldn't find Wang Yuan.

Jun Kai and Qian Xi took their books out and started on their homework. Eventually it was late and you went off the bed.

Jun Kai and Qian Xi Perspective:

Thirty minutes after y/n had gone to sleep, Wang Yuan walked in looked extremely tired. Jun Kai and Qian Xi quickly went up to Wang Yuan. Jun Kai asked, "Where have you been?"

"Uh, I was doing something important," said Wang Yuan. Jun Kai and Qian Xi begged Wang Yuan, "Please, tell us what you're doing?" "No," he replied. They started to tickle him and.

"Ok, ok, I was preparing to take y/n on a date tomorrow," he said laughing.

They relented and let Wang Yuan head upstairs to rest.

"You want to follow them?" asked Jun Kai.

"I thought you didn't want to follow y/n and I last time?" asked Qian Xi.

"That was you and y/n not Wang Yuan and y/n," replied Jun Kai. Qian Xi rolled his eyes and relented.

The Next Day...

Y/n Perspective:

'I woke up refreshed. It was Saturday! Time to do nothing all day,' you thought. When you opened the door you found Wang Yuan standing there waiting patiently.

"Wang Yuan you're back!" you said with a big smile. He smiles and handed you an envelope. He then ran away and out of the house.

Confused, you open the envelope inside there was a fancy letter.

Dear Y/n,

Today is the day I planned our date. This letter will lead you to the first location. You don't need to eat breakfast; the driver will take you to where I am. I hope to see you soon. Here's a hint to find out where I am.

Food is second to none but you.

Although having both is a plus too.

Think about breakfast

And you'll find me where food is true.

Wang Yuan

You ran out the door and jumped into the car. Jun Kai and Qian Xi saw you leave and quickly followed.

'Where could he be? Wang Yuan loves food, so it has to be some good breakfast place,' you reasoned. "It has to be that café he loved to go to."

Several minutes later...

You arrived at the café and spotted Wang Yuan again waiting for you to arrive. Both of you sit down and enjoy a delicious breakfast with: Bacon, Sao Bing You Tiao, Soy milk, Rice drink, and a more food.

Later after Wang Yuan finished breakfast, he excused himself to the restroom. A few minutes later, the TFboys' driver walked inside and handed you another envelope. You opened it.

Dear Y/n,

I hope you enjoyed breakfast; you probably looked really adorable and cute, like you usually do. Anyways, you have to guess the next location I will be at. If you give up or can't get it correct the driver will take you to me (so you have no chance of getting it wrong).

I will be at an ordinary place,

Where the sun is the ace,

There won't be a desk or things like that,

It'll be an easy place for you to trace.

Wang Yuan

You thought for a bit. 'Sun is the ace. No desk or things like that.' You kept thinking as you walked towards the car. "It has to be the park!" you said ecstatically. The driver nodded his head and gestured for you to enter.

When you arrived at the park you found Wang Yuan already there. "What are we doing here?" you asked. Well first we can look at the beautiful scenery, but then you can decide what you want to do.

"Can we sit here for a bit then?" you asked. He smiled at you, "Anything for you."

You both sit on the bench together. Wang Yuan put his arm around you as you sit there for a while listening, and smiling.

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