Chapter 20: Escape and Indecisiveness

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Previously in Chapter 19

When you were looking at Wang Yuan, the guard then took aim at you, laughed, and fired. You turn towards the guard and stare at the gun petrified unable to do anything.

Qian Xi ran towards you and shoved you out of the way. The bullet hit Qian Xi straight in the chest sending him crashing into the wall.

Jun Kai reacted quickly and attacked the guard, knocking him unconscious. You unfroze as you saw Wang Yuan start to crawl over to Qian Xi.

You run towards him hoping he was ok.

Back to the present:

"Qian Xi, Qian Xi, don't die..." you cried.

"Don't worry," said Wang Yuan as he crawled over, "He should be fine."


Qian Xi sat up, "Jun Kai made us wear Kevlar armor underneath in case they actually had a gun. Still hurts a lot. I'm going to have some bruises."

"Oh, so you're going to be ok, that's good..." you said relieved.

The masked man ran out of the door leaving them alone for now. Jun Kai then sat down next to them. You pulled all of them into a hug, Wang Yuan winced again clearly still hurting from flying into the wall twice.

"Thank you for coming to save me. I'm sorry for getting kidnapped," you said apologetically.

"Don't worry that's what friends do," said Jun Kai.

"We'll be there to help you always," replied Wang Yuan.

"They're right. We have your back," said Qian Xi.

"I just have one question, how did you escape your cell and cut the ropes, Wang Yuan?" asked Jun Kai.

"Oh let me show you," said Wang Yuan. He sat up slowly and grabbed a spare piece of rope. He pressed a button on his watch and out popped a small file attached to the watch.

"And for the door I have this lock picking set," he said pushing another button. "Now let's leave before more guards show up."

With that you all head back to the hotel half carrying Wang Yuan who had trouble standing and walking. (They don't go to the hospital because they would have to answer questions and they would get mobbed by the public).

After Wang Yuan entered his room to recover from his injuries, you ask, "He'll be ok right?"

"Don't worry Er Yuan's a tough guy, he held of two of those goons for a while it'll take more than flying into the wall twice to stop him," said Jun Kai.

"That's good, I was afraid we would lose him that first time," you said shuddering as you remembered what happened earlier.

"I'll go buy some dinner make sure the Er Yuan and Qian Zhong get some rest before dinner," said Jun Kai as he left the room.

You check in on Qian Xi he was lying on the bed using his phone looking at Weibo. He smiled when he saw you staring at him your face turned crimson red. You ask Qian Xi, "Are you doing ok?"

"I'm fine, Wang Yuan has the most injuries you should check in on him soon," said Qian Xi.

"Ok," you said as you began to head towards Wang Yuan.

"Wait," said Qian Xi, "Um... c-c-can I go out on a date with you?" You stand there staring at him for a long time. Qian Xi was waiting nervously because he was afraid you would say no.

Finally, you whisper as you exit the room, "Yes."

You went to check up on Wang Yuan. He was already asleep and hadn't completely applied the antibacterial to the wounds. You sigh and apply it for him. But as you tried to leave Wang Yuan grabbed onto you and pulled you close to him.

'For someone who's injured, he's still really strong,' you thought.

You realized he was still asleep as you struggled to get out of his grip. You couldn't escape so you sighed and ended up giving up on getting away until Jun Kai comes back.

An hour passed. 'How long does it take to buy take out?' you thought. Just then Wang Yuan woke up. When he realized he was hugging you he instantly released you.

"Sorry about that. I tend to reach out in my sleep," he said apologetically, "How long did I hold you for?"

"About an hour," you replied and Wang Yuan instantly felt bad for you and was embarrassed.

"It's ok, it's not like I had much to do anyways," you said trying to cheer him up. He grinned at you mischievously making you feel a bit uneasy.

"Well then I don't think you'll mind staying here for longer," he said as he grabbed you and held on. You screamed drawing the attention of Qian Xi.

"What's going on?" asked Qian Xi as he entered the room.

"Help, Wang Yuan's got me again," you said laughing as Wang Yuan tickled you. To your dismay Qian Xi just laughed and joined Wang Yuan to tickle you.

Soon both of them stopped letting you catch your breath. Jun Kai in this time finally showed up with dinner. You all rush to the food, but somehow Wang Yuan made it to the food first.

After devouring the food, Wang Yuan worked on homework while Qian Xi locked himself in a room to do something.

You and Jun Kai were sitting on the couch watching a TV show. Out of the blue Jun Kai gestured and asked, "May I?" His intent was obvious; he wanted to cuddle with you.

You didn't know how to respond. Jun Kai waited patiently for your response giving you plenty of time to think it over. But still what do you do?

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