Chapter 24: A Date with Qian Xi

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'Saturday was here,' you thought as you woke up. You wonder what you should wear. Several minutes later, you decide on a pretty pink dress.

When you got downstairs to eat breakfast, there was no one there, not even Wang Yuan. You check their rooms to see if they were sleeping in. You found no one.

Just then the doorbell rang. You wonder who it could be. When you open the door you found Qian Xi there with a bouquet of flowers. "Are you ready?" he asked.

You nodded you head and gave Qian Xi a hug. He smiled showing his dimple and gestured to the car.

They got in the car and you asked, "Where are we going?"

"Well I know you haven't eaten breakfast yet, so our first place is a cute little café. When you entered the café the first thing you noticed was the adorable plush animals all around the room. Qian Xi ordered coffee and muffins for breakfast. While you were eating Qian Xi wrote something. "What are you writing?" you asked looking over at it.

He hid the paper, "you can't look at it yet," he said. You pouted, "But I want to know what it is about."

"Later," he said, "I promise." You agree to stop pestering him and finish breakfast.

The next place he took you was Build-Rilakkuma where you were able to create stuffed animals. (Yeah I took the idea from a store chain called Build-A-Bear workshop).

You had so much fun making yourself a cute stuffed animal and making fun of Qian Xi's creation.

Soon it was lunch time and Qian Xi took you to a wonderful Hong Kong styled restaurant (because I'm running out of ideas). You ate hot pot with pork, Chinese lettuce, etc. You even had egg tart as desert.

After eating Qian Xi took you to the zoo. You saw and played with all the animals Qian Xi smiled and laughed with you. Your favorite animal had to be the baby seals; they looked so cute and adorable.

Wang Yuan and Jun Kai Perspective:

"You sure they won't find out we are following them?" asked Jun Kai.

"Don't worry as long as we seem like normal people, Qian Xi and y/n won't notice," said Wang Yuan.

"I hope you're right," said Jun Kai not convinced.

"See look they're petting the seals, and they haven't spotted us at all this entire day," said Wang Yuan.

Y/n and Qian Xi Perspective:

'So far so good, Y/n is really enjoying these places I've selected. I wonder if Xiao Kai and Er Yuan are following us,' thought Qian Xi.

After the zoo Qian Xi took you to a fancy Italian restaurant (Somehow there's a fancy Italian Restaurant in Chongqing). You both had pasta and lasagna with several scoops of ice cream for dessert.

After they finished eating Qian Xi finally took out the paper he was working on earlier. "Here, this is for you. I condensed the most important parts of today on this paper."

It said:

心 (Heart)

满意 (Satisfaction)

海豹 (Seal like the animal)

喜欢 (Like  [as in you like someone])

浪漫 (romantic)

It was all written in Qian Xi's calligraphy.

"Thank you, Qian Xi, for the whole day, I was very happy spending this time with you," you told Qian Xi giving him another hug. He blushed and said, "It was my pleasure, I hope I can take you to more places in the future." They started to head home as the day grew later and darker.

Wang Yuan and Jun Kai Perspective:

"Wang Yuan, why are you still taking photos? You look like a stalker," said Jun Kai.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing, and besides I won't get caught," replied Wang Yuan confidently. Jun Kai sighed, 'Why did I agree to follow them?' he thought.

After a few more pictures, they headed home to meet Qian Xi and y/n.

Y/n Perspective:

'We arrived back home before Jun Kai and Wang Yuan, I wonder what they were doing,' you thought.

Your thoughts were interrupted when Jun Kai and Wang Yuan entered the room.

"Hey y/n how was the date?" asked Wang Yuan.

"It was good..." you started to say and then you told them all about what you did for the day.

"How about you guys what did you do?" you asked.

"We uh..." started Wang Yuan. "Went to visit our parents," finished Jun Kai.

You yawned. "Maybe you should get some sleep, you look tired after a fun day," said Wang Yuan.

"Yeah, I'm go sleep then, good night," you said heading up.

"Good night," replied Jun Kai and Wang Yuan.

TFboys Perspective:

Just then Qian Xi walked in. "So how was following us around?" he asked.

"How did you know?" asked Wang Yuan confused. "I told you he was going to notice," replied Jun Kai.

"Well somehow we had a date in peace, no obnoxious phone calls from you to asking where we are, and you guys were clearly not at your parents as they currently are not home this weekend.

Wang Yuan scratched his head and said, "Sorry about that. But we didn't disturb you."

"I guess that's fair. I didn't even see you two I just made a guess that you would follow us," explained Qian Xi.

"Well good guess Qian Xi. Wang Yuan wanted us to follow you two to see what was happening," said Jun Kai.

"Well you were sneaky. You just needed a better cover story," said Qian Xi.

"Anyways you guys want some snacks before we go to sleep?" said Wang Yuan his mouth full of food again (Why do I do this every time?). Jun Kai and Qian Xi sighed and headed upstairs to their bedrooms.

Soon after, Wang Yuan also headed upstairs to his bedroom, but he wasn't going to bed yet. He had some things to do. He took out his phone and laptop and started working.

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