Chapter 29: A Date with Jun Kai

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AN: This is a longer chapter.

School was boring as usual. You sat in class and listened to the teacher talk about math, reading, biology, and other stuff. You thought back to the two dates you already went on; One with Qian Xi, and one with Wang Yuan.

"Y/n!" the teacher shouted slamming the ruler on your desk. "Pay attention please!"

"Yes, Teacher Sa," you replied meekly. The TFboys glanced at each other and glance at you.

After class the TFboys asked you, "What were you thinking about y/n?"

"Nothing, come on we have to get to the TF Entertainment building, I have some things to do," you said. They shrugged and got inside the car.

The TFboys had to practice their new song together, which left you to work with the CEO. You two decided you needed to create another branch of the TF family, for girls.

After hours of planning the TFboys finished practice and came in to take you back to the house. You four bid the CEO a good night and headed back home.

After showering and brushing your teeth, you realized tomorrow's Saturday. Will Jun Kai be taking you on a date?

As if on cue, someone knocked on your door. You open it to find Jun Kai, "May I come in?" he asked. You nodded your head and gestured for him to enter.

"So, tomorrow I'll be taking you on that date. Wear something comfortable and we'll leave bright and early," he explained.

You lightly pushed him out of the room and said, "Now I need to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night," he said heading back to his room.

Wang Yuan and Qian Xi Perspective:

"You heard that?" whispered Wang Yuan. "Loud and clear," answered Qian Xi.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" whispered Wang Yuan. "If you're thinking of following them, then yes, I am thinking what you're thinking," whispered Qian Xi back.

They retreated back to their respective rooms and turned in for the night.

The next day...

Y/n Perspective:

You woke up at 7:00 am and realized, 'Jun Kai's taking me on our date today.'

You remember what he told you yesterday and wore some looser clothing. When you opened the door you found Jun Kai there waiting.

As you head down you realized Wang Yuan and Qian Xi's rooms are empty. 'Where could they have goon this early?' "Jun Kai, do you know where Wang Yuan and Qian Xi have gone?" you asked.

"They left earlier this morning, they didn't tell me what they were doing," replied Jun Kai.

You shrugged as you entered the car with Jun Kai.

Soon you arrived at an American pancake breakfast place (AN: No idea if one actually exists in Chongqing but yeah). After eating blueberry pancakes with tons of maple syrup, you ended up being stopped by Jun Kai.

"We have more food to eat later you don't have to eat all of it," he laughed. It was your turn to pout at him as you walked out of the restaurant.

Wang Yuan and Qian Xi Perspective:

"Nice choice for breakfast," said Wang Yuan.

"Of course you know this place, why am I not surprised," replied Qian Xi. Wang Yuan silently laughed in response, "Food is my specialty."

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