Chapter 33: Will it happen?

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"He's in his garden isn't he," you said confidently. Jun Kai and Qian Xi look at each other and then back at you. They don't say a word.

You quickly head out the door followed by Jun Kai and Qian Xi. Will you find Wang Yuan there?


Jun Kai and Qian Xi Perspective:

Jun Kai and Qian Xi glanced at each other and then quickly looked back towards y/n.

The look they gave each other basically asked, "Do we want to tell y/n?" "No?" "Ok."

Y/n Perspective:

The three of you showed up at Wang Yuan's house. After greeting Wang Yuan's mother, they headed out to the back yard where the garden was.

As you head deeper towards the hidden garden you could hear music and singing.

Wang Yuan was playing on the piano and singing Because I Met You.

因为遇见你 一切就注定
因为遇见你 我学会珍惜
可能泪水慢慢会模糊 我的眼睛
可能雨水渐渐会淋湿 我的头发
季节一天一天 不停更迭
我会记住你那 明亮的眼睛
因为遇见你 一切就注定

Mángmáng rén hǎizhōng yùjiàn nǐ
rútóng yángguāng zhào jìn xīndǐ
zuìměi de shíguāng yǒu nǐ xiāngyī
wǒ xīnqíng wúfǎ yányù
cóng wèi xiǎngguò huì yùjiàn nǐ
ràng wǒ jīngxǐ ràng wǒ chīmí
nǐ shì wǒ rénshēng zhòngyào yìyì
wǒ zěn néng bǎ nǐ wàngjì
yīnwèi yùjiàn nǐ yīqiè jiù zhùdìng
yǔ nǐ yīqǐ qiānshǒu wǎng qiánjìn
měitiān zhídé huíyì
yīnwèi yùjiàn nǐ wǒ xuéhuì zhēnxī
jiùsuàn miàn duì zài duō bàofēngyǔ dǎjí
wǒ huì jiāndìng zǒu xiàqù
ruò mǒu tiān wǒ jiāng shīqù nǐ
shìjiè huī'àn bù zài xuànlì
shìfǒu hái yǒurén yuànyì qīngtīng
wǒ xīnzhōng de xiǎo mìmì
yīnwèi yùjiàn nǐ
yīqiè jiù zhùdìng
yǔ nǐ yīqǐ qiānshǒu wǎng qiánjìn
měitiān zhídé huíyì
yīnwèi yùjiàn nǐ
wǒ xuéhuì zhēnxī
jiùsuàn miàn duì zài duō bàofēngyǔ dǎjí
wǒ huì jiāndìng zǒu xiàqù
kěnéng lèishuǐ màn man huì móhú wǒ de yǎnjīng
kěnéng yǔshuǐ jiànjiàn huì lín shī wǒ de tóufǎ
jìjié yītiān yītiān bù tíng gēngdié
shíjiān bù huì tíng
wǒ huì jì zhù nǐ nà míngliàng de yǎnjīng
yīnwèi yùjiàn nǐ yīqiè jiù zhùdìng
yǔ nǐ yīqǐ qiānshǒu wǎng qiánjìn
měitiān zhídé huí yì
yīnwèi yùjiàn nǐ
wǒ xuéhuì zhēnxī
jiùsuàn miàn duì zài duō bàofēngyǔ dǎjí
wǒ huì jiāndìng zǒu xiàqù
zìcóng yùjiàn nǐ
yīqiè jiù zhùdìng

AN: translations are hard and I just copied pasted this stuff so no English translations. You can pretty much guess by the song title and anyways go listen to it and you'll know how it feels.

You were stunned.

Wang Yuan then walked up to you and said, "Because I met you, my life changed dramatically for the better. Would you like to finally be my girlfriend?"

You quickly (before he got sad) said, "Yes, I've been waiting for you to ask me for a long time, but I now can see why you waited."

He hugged you putting his arms around you never letting go. And then, you two kissed for the longest time.

Wang Yuan ended up breaking the kiss claiming Jun Kai and Qian Xi were waiting. You two exited the secret garden and found Qian Xi and Jun Kai cheering and making fun of Wang Yuan.

You all ended up staying at Wang Yuan's house for the rest of the day before heading back to the house for the night.

When you woke up the next day you found Wang Yuan already in your room. (AN: No they didn't do anything M rated)

"Morning y/n, did you sleep well?" he asked.

You stretched, sat up and replied, "Yeah, I..." Your words were interrupted when Wang Yuan grabbed you and kissed you, slightly bruising your lips.

You pouted at him, "You didn't let me finish." He laughed and gave his cute face, "Oh, sorry y/n, but you got a kiss?"

Well you couldn't argue with that logic or face so you gave in and hugged him.

All of a sudden you heard Jun Kai said from the hallway, "Are you two done with your mini TV drama series? Breakfast is ready."

Wang Yuan quickly chased Jun Kai down the stairs to the table thus giving you some time to change into a more suitable set of clothes.

Soon, you all had to head to the TF Entertainment Building. The TFboys had singing practice today and you had to prepare the training programs and asked the teachers to teach for the new group of trainees. (AN: I skipped the audition part because it would be pretty boring).

After all your hard work, there finally would be a girls program in the TF Family. Your parents would be proud... if they every picked up the phone. It turns out being on the other side of the world does make it a bit hard to talk to them.

A few more weeks passed, and the TFboys had to head to other provinces to film for their drama. You on the other hand had to stay in Chongqing to manage the TF Family and you were unable to join them.

You called Wang Yuan every night to talk. Well you talked to Jun Kai and Qian Xi too. One such evening, "Hey y/n," said Wang Yuan obviously looking tired.

"Yeah what's up Wang Yuan?" you replied.

"Have I ever told you how much I love food?" he said with a grin.

*face palm

"Well, it's changed because I love you more than I love food," he said.

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