Chapter 17: The Amusement Park

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You woke up early. All night you've been thinking about the TFboys. Wang Yuan already asked you to be his girlfriend, but you didn't want to say no or yes yet. 'Do I really like Qian Xi more? Or is it because he finally stopped being so cold?'

You obviously were confused.

Jun Kai snuck up behind you as you were thinking.

"Hey beautiful," he whispered into your ear. You jumped a little and turned your head realized Jun Kai was there.

He smirked, "Were you thinking of me? I'm here so you can stare all you want."

His words made you blush. 'How much am I going to blush around them?' you thought.

He sat down next to you and put his arm around you.

'Does Jun Kai like me too? What am I going to do?' you thought.

"We all like you, but you don't have to choose now. I'll wait an eternity for your answers, and I'm pretty sure Wang Yuan and Qian Xi will too," he whispered.

"Thanks, the time to think about things means a lot," you replied.

Jun Kai grins widely showing his incisors. You laugh at him and hit him lightly on the shoulder. He pretended to be hurt and pouted a bit. You just laugh more and soon he was laughing with you.

Qian Xi then walked in, "You two want to be louder? I was trying to get some sleep."

"Oops," you said, "Sorry Qian Xi."

"Sorry Qian Zhong," said Jun Kai sort of apologetic. He ruined his apology as he ran up to Qian Xi and began tickling him.

"Xiao Kai!" he shouted as he ran after the retreating Jun Kai. You laugh at both of them because they're silly. You then decided to check on what eat and headed to the kitchen (because high class hotel room).

Surprisingly you didn't find Wang Yuan already there. You quickly checked Wang Yuan's bed. Nope he's not there. 'This better not be like last time,' you thought.

You grabbed some of Wang Yuan's snacks and went to ask Jun Kai.

"I don't know where Wang Yuan is. You sure he's not in the room?" asked Jun Kai.

"Nope I check all over," you said.

"You could just call him," said Qian Xi.

"Oh right..." you said embarrassed.

Ring. Ring. Ring. "Hello?" said Wang Yuan

"Oh, thank goodness I found you, I looked all over," you said.

"Oh sorry, I should have left a note or something," said Wang Yuan. "I went to get breakfast; I'm already on my way back. I didn't realize all of you woke up so early today."

You tell Jun Kai and Qian Xi, Wang Yuan is coming back with breakfast. A few minutes later, Wang Yuan walks through the hotel door with food.

As soon as he put the food down, you hit him on the chest lightly, "You should have told us you were leaving; did you want yesterday to happen again?"

He puts his hands up, sorry, sorry, sorry," he said.

He pouts and puts on his cute smile. As soon as you saw his smile you stopped hitting him and blushed. Jun Kai and Qian Xi felt jealous.

'Was this really going to happen every time?' they thought.

"You guys want to eat now?" said Wang Yuan. And so they sat down and started to eat Sao Bing You Tiao (like a bread bun with fried dough, trust me it's really good), and soymilk.

Minutes later...

The TFboys had planned a trip to the amusement park today. When you got inside (courtesy of their VIP passes) you dragged them to every single ride within sight.

You screamed loudly on the roller coasters. And you were spooked when you walked through the haunted house. Everyone one ate cotton candy. The TFboys even won you a giant teddy bear playing carnival games.

Finally, all of you rode the Ferris wheel. There were two seats per cabin so they played rock, paper, and scissors to determine who was able to ride with you. Jun Kai won the honors and up you went.

As you got higher it became colder. Jun Kai noticed you shivering and took off his jacket and draped it around you. You mumble, "Thank You," to Jun Kai.

He smiled still showing his incisors. "No problem," he said as he wrapped his arms around you keeping you warm.

Wang Yuan and Qian Xi Perspective:

"They're getting a bit touchy aren't they," said Wang Yuan.

"Yup," replied Qian Xi.

"I wonder if she knows who she likes best," said Wang Yuan.

"No clue, but it's up to her to decide. Either she chooses one of us or none of us. It's not like we can force her to choose one of us anyways," answered Qian Xi wisely.

"That's a fair point. Well if she doesn't choose me, I think she'll choose one of you," reasoned Wang Yuan.

"I hope you're right Wang Yuan. I hope you're right," said Qian Xi.

None of them wanted to see y/n with someone else, but at least if was somewhat bearable if the someone else was one of their good friends.

Back to y/n Perspective:

They were pleased with their fun day at the amusement park. They ended the day tired but were looking forward to the next day of fun.

When they got back to the hotel, they all quickly showered and brushed and plopped down on their beds falling fast asleep.

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