Chapter 14: More Unfortunate Events

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When you woke up you felt a bit better. Your foot wasn't throbbing anymore and you could reasonable get around.

When you got outside, you saw Qian Xi staring at the sunrise. You walk up to him and say, "good morning Qian Xi."

"Morning y/n," replied Qian Xi without looking at you. "Look," he said as he gestured to the sunrise.

You sit down next to him and watch the sun rise over the horizon with him.

Suddenly Qian Xi draped a blanket over you. You smiled at him saying, "Thank you." He nodded briefly in response.

"I didn't get the chance to ask you all this time. Why are you always so cold and ice prince-like?" you asked Qian Xi.

"You should try it sometimes, the not talking part. You notice so many things you don't normally see. And I don't really mean to be cold, but when you don't talk it happens as a side effect so I guess do it in moderation," replied Qian Xi.

You were surprised to hear Qian Xi talk so much at once. You ended up leaning on Qian Xi as the both of you watch the sunrise together.

Wang Yuan and Jun Kai Perspective:

"Looks like Qian Xi's already made a move, whether he meant to or not," said Wang Yuan to himself with his mouth full of food (seems to happen a lot...). He watched y/n lean on Qian Xi as they watched the sunrise.

Jun Kai, who was still sleeping, woke up after hearing Wang Yuan. "What did you say?" he asked Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan pointed out of the tent towards Qian Xi and y/n.

"Oh," said Jun Kai.

"I'm going on a walk before breakfast," said Wang Yuan as he got up and left the tent.

Jun Kai got dressed and exited the tent to make breakfast.

Back to y/n Perspective:

You got up with Qian Xi and headed back to the fire pit where they found Jun Kai making breakfast.

"Where's Wang Yuan?" you ask.

"He went out on a walk, he'll be back soon," answered Jun Kai.

They sat down and started to eat.

When you finished you thought, 'It wasn't like Wang Yuan to miss a meal.'

"Should we call Wang Yuan? He's never missed a meal before," you said.

Jun Kai pulled his phone out and dialed Wang Yuan's number. It ended up going to voicemail. He tried again but Wang Yuan still didn't pick up.

You could tell Jun Kai was getting worried. You were getting worried. Qian Xi on the other hand seems calm as ever.

"Are you not worried about Wang Yuan?" you asked Qian Xi.

He shrugged, "I'm sure he'll turn up sometime." But on the inside he was really concern about Wang Yuan.

They sat there waiting for Wang Yuan to come back.

Wang Yuan Perspective:

'I couldn't stand seeing Qian Xi and y/n together. I just feel... what's that word oh right I just feel jealous. I'll just have to be careful and try to win y/n over.'

Suddenly someone jumped out from behind a tree and tried to hit Wang Yuan in the neck.

Fortunately, Wang Yuan was already hopping over a log and the blow hit him in the back.

He turned around and asked,"Who are you and what do you want?"

"I just want all three of you, TFboys, lead me to them and I won't hurt you," the cloaked male said.

"Never," said Wang Yuan as he lunged forward confronting the unknown assailant.

A few minutes later...

Wang Yuan was losing ground quickly, and to make matters worse on one of his exchanges he twisted his ankle.

Wang Yuan feinted right and followed with a left hook temporarily dazing the unknown person. Wang Yuan took this opportunity to run away from the camp, 'who knows if that person had backup waiting to follow me back.'

When he thought he ran far enough he quickly took out his phone sent a quick text to Jun Kai and silenced his phone. Then he started to run again.

Back to y/n Perspective:

All of a sudden Jun Kai's phone buzzed. He quickly took it out and read to text. His eyes opened as he read it. After finishing it he showed it to the both of you (Qian Xi and you).

Jun Kai,

There's a person trying to kidnap the three of us. I fought him in the woods barely escaping. I'm on the run making sure to head far away from the camp. Call the driver and find somewhere safe to get picked up. I'll be fine I'll text again when I'm safe. Be careful I'm pretty sure there are more people looking for you three.

Wang Yuan

"Let's pack up I'll call the driver," said Jun Kai, "We have to move fast."

Minutes later...

They had everything pack and set off due south heading for a road.

Qian Xi watched our backs as he made sure we weren't followed, while Jun Kai forged ahead checking for signs of the kidnappers.

Wang Yuan Perspective:

The throbbing pain in the ankle was slowing him down. But he couldn't stop. He planned a loop around where he could then head west to the closest road. He hopped up into a small tree and waited. Now, he could text Jun Kai again.

Y/n Perspective:

Jun Kai's phone gave a buzz as they were reaching the car. They quickly got in and read Wang Yuan's text.

I'm currently hiding out in a tree waited to double back and head to the road on the west side. Are you three safe yet? I can answer your texts for a bit until I set off again. Oh, when I get back get me lots of snacks, I ran out of snack in my pockets.

'How in the world is Wang Yuan thinking of food at a time like this,' they thought.

What Wang Yuan didn't account for was the mysterious assailant knew Wang Yuan was up the tree, and was waiting for him to come down.

AN: I know there's a lot of action going on. So next chapter there's some fluffy, cute stuff. I promise.

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