[Chapter 2] Their Best Friend

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-Rachael's POV-

"Murdered?" Grace croaked, shocked by the news, "By who?"

"We're not sure yet," Kenya replied, placing her hand on Grace's shoulder in a sympathetic way, "But we'll do everything in our power to find out."

Grace smirked, "Thanks."

Kenya grinned back before she told everyone but Anthony to leave, because she needed to clean up. Joey, Grace, and I left. Joey said he was going to pick up some lunch, leaving Grace and I alone.

"So, Adam was a good friend of yours?" I attempted to spark a conversation as I picked up some papers from the desk in the main room.

Grace laughed, "He actually..." She began to tell me when she cut herself short, "Yeah, a good friend."

I looked back at her and grinned, "He doesn't sound like just a good friend to me."

She heaved a sigh, "Fine...Adam was...my boyfriend. But no one knew! We only dated for a few weeks before he...he..."

"Went missing?" I finished her sentence.

"Yes. And that's why I'm here, Rachael. Because I want to work on this case with you guys."

"You want to work on this case with us?" I repeated in disbelief, "I get Adam was your boyfriend, but the LAPD and the CIA don't have a good history."

"I know, but...please, Rachael. All I'm asking is to work on Adam's case. I'm not asking you to give me a job."

I sighed, "Grace, I..."

Just then, Luke burst through the front doors. "I've been looking for you everywhere, Grace!" He exclaimed, grabbing her hand, "What are you doing here?"

She yanked her hand out of his hold, "I'm trying to get on Adam's case."

His angry expression evolved into a sullen one, "Oh..."

Kenya walked in, looking at a clipboard. She looked up and rolled her eyes, "I swear if one more cop walks through here, this can be a new precinct."

"Nice to see you again too," Luke greeted with a smirk on his face looking Kenya up and down, "I am still waiting to take you out for that drink. You too, Rachael."

"Oh my gosh it's the troll, what bridge did you crawl out from this time?" Kenya retorted as she rolled her eyes.

Before the two of them could break out into an insult war, I got between them and exclaimed, "Hey! No need to do this here!"

"What are they doing here anyways?" Kenya asked, glaring at Luke.

"Grace wants to know if she can join us on this case," I told her.

"And me," Luke added.

"You of all people don't get to work on this case!" Anthony answered for Kenya, coming up behind her.

"For once I agree with him." Kenya replied as she crossed her arms.

"Guys, come on, Adam was their best friend," I told them, "I'm sure if it was any of us and for some reason the LAPD had the case, they would let us work on it."

"Yeah, and we have clearance to take over the case." Kenya retorted and smiled, "And plus, no offense, Grace and dwarf," Kenya said as she glared at Luke, "But I think it won't work. CIA and LAPD have two different ways of working. So no."

I rolled my eyes, "Just let them be on the goddamn case, Kenya! What's the worst that can fucking happen? They find something we don't?"

"Rachael..." Anthony muttered as he took a step towards me, "I have to agree with Kenya on this one. I don't want them working with us. Things wouldn't work out."

"Well I have to disagree, I think Rachael is right," Joey stated as he entered with a bag of take-out food in his hands, "You can join, but you both are on tight leashes. That means no authorization without our consent. You don't make a move without one of us. If you even screw up once, you will both behind bar the case faster than you can imagine. Got that?" Grace and Luke nodded in understanding, "Same goes for you guys," Joey looked at Kenya and Anthony, "They aren't LAPD, they are CIA for now. We work as a team, no matter how weirdly annoying they are." Joey said as he looked towards Luke.

Kenya and Anthony started arguing with Joey. I crossed my arms and turned to Grace and Luke, whispering, "Welcome to the team."

Grace smiled while Luke winked at me. I turned away to see Kenya and Anthony still fighting with Joey on this decision.

-Anthony's POV-

After Kenya's, Joey's, and my argument, we all ate lunch and decided to stay late to work on Shane's case. It's been a month since he's gone missing. And he still hasn't showed up.

Rachael and I were sitting in her office, waiting while Kenya and Joey closed up the office. I sat in one of the chairs in front of her desk while she did something on her laptop. I was throwing a stress ball up in the air, bored as hell.

I sat up and slammed my hands down on her desk, causing her to jump. "Why would you let Grace and that dickhead on our case?" I yelled at her. I love her and all, but how could she say we work with people from the LAPD? That's like the Germans working with the British in both World War I and World War II.

"His name is Luke," She corrected me, as if she knew him personally, "And why wouldn't you? They were the guy's best friends! What if I died? Huh? And the LAPD had my case?"

"They wouldn't," I replied, "I wouldn't let them."

She rolled her eyes and went back to her work.

"I found him, I have a single shred of evidence he is alive." Kenya announced as she bursted through the doors with Joey and interrupted us.

"What is it?" Rachael questioned, rising to her feet

Kenya took out of a filing folder, three pictures of Shane, she took them out individually and said, "At the bank, a homeless shelter, and in a park."

"How recent are these sightings?" I inquired, getting up as well.

"Hours ago, but not in Los Angeles." Kenya responded, "This was taken from surveillance cameras from Dallas, Texas."

"What's he doing in Dallas, Texas?" Joey questioned.

"Hmmm, let me call Shane from his phone that he isn't answering and ask him." Kenya remarked in a sarcastic voice. Joey glared at her.

"Well what are we waiting for? We can take the jet and get him now," I said enthusiastically.

"We can't just drop everything to go and get him," Rachael replied, "What if he's not there when we arrive, huh? Maybe he's on the move! Maybe he doesn't want to be found."

"And anyways we still have a case to solve here." Joey butted in.

"But Lisa is sitting at home right now thinking that Shane is dead. We've got to tell her and show we found him and he's alright!" I added.

"Anthony, it was just a similar match, it could be someone else with the similar face structure." Kenya included, "You and I both know the facial recognition programming could be wrong."

"Still, I say we go," I retorted, crossing my arms over my chest, "What's the worst that can happen?"

"He could not be there at all," Rachael told me, "It'd look stupid if we went there and he was no where to be found."

"Still it was hard finding him for this long, what if we can't find him again?" Joey agreed.

"You don't get it!" I yelled at him, and really at all of them, "He could be out there, waiting for us to find him. And you all are too chicken to go and do your fucking jobs!"

"Anthony we aren't a part of the missing person's department. Our jobs are solely to catch the bad guys." Kenya retorted in a harsh tone.

"I'm done," Rachael announced before leaving the room. Joey followed her out, leaving Kenya and I alone in the eerily silent room.

"Why don't you go find him yourself if you care so much?" She said to me before doing the same thing as Rach and Joey.

"Well maybe I will." I growled, grabbing my coat and storming out of the office to my car and drove off.

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