[Chapter 18] This Was Just The Beginning

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**Grace’s POV**

I paced around my office, in my house thinking about Conscience’s offer. I know I should have automatically said no, and moved on but….maybe Conscience was onto something. Maybe Rachael, Kenya, Anthony, and Joey never did care about me. I remember that the first time I asked Rachael if I could join in on the case, Kenya and Anthony were both against it. I also remember how Kenya never treated me like I was a part of the team, but just her assistant when I worked with her.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I heard, “So have you made a decision yet?” It was Conscience. He circled around me like a shark, and it scared me a bit, “Earth to Grace!!!” He clapped his hands in my face, “What do you choose? Are you with or against me?”

“I-I, I don’t know Conscience.” I responded.

“Then let me try and persuade you.” He stepped closer, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear, “I am not like them. I will not treat you like shit, or act like I am better than you. We will be equals, and I promise to always have your back.”

“But you’ve killed so many innocent people.”

“I’m just trying to clean up the mess Luke made.” He shrugged as if it was not an issue, “If you join me, then no harm will come to you. I promise.”

I shook my head no, "No. No, I'm not joining your side."

“That’s such a shame,” He pulled a gun out of his coat, aimed, and shot me twice in the chest. “ I really thought you were going to make the right decision.” He chuckled as I dropped to the ground and clutched my chest, the taste of blood in my mouth. Luke squatted down next to me, “But apparently not.” He grabbed one of my arms and pulled out a knife, etching something into my arm, then standing up and walking out.

I gathered all my strength and crawled towards the door. I grabbed for the doorknob and saw what he cut into my arm: This was just the beginning.

Just as I finished reading the word "beginning", everything went black.

Three Hours Later...

-Luke’s POV-

“That was riveting,” I said as I watched Conscience hop in the driver’s seat of his car from the rear view mirror. He looked up at me and a scowl grew on his face.

“Just when I finally got some peace and quiet,” He replied as he jammed the key into the ignition and started the car up.

“Whatever. Important thing is we killed him...” I added, crossing my arms over my chest. “What now?” I asked as I jerked backward. He must’ve brought the car to a halt at a stoplight.

“We-” He began when all of a sudden, I wasn’t looking at my body anymore, but I was looking at a cracked windshield. I was back in my body and in control, but Conscience wasn’t gone. He was still there, I knew it. I could feel it.

I struggled to move as I somehow managed to unbuckle the seat belt that held us in and pushed the car door open, falling out and hitting the ground. I gathered all my strength to crawl away. I crawled up to a bus stop and pulled myself onto the bench. I looked out and saw my car, crashed into a pole. I heard some sounds before the car blew up in flames. “My car…” I groaned as I felt someone trying to push me out of my body. It was my conscience.

“There is no way I am going back there, Luke,” Conscience growled as he tried to come back. But I was not going to give up my body again. No way in hell was that going to happen.

“Well neither am I,” I replied.

“Ugh! You’re so fucking stubborn!” Conscience yelled before I felt something being pulled out of me. I screamed in pain. I looked to my right to see Conscience sitting on the bus shelter bench beside me. My eyes widened in disbelief. He rose to his feet and pulled out a gun from his holster, “You don’t deserve to live!” He shouted, cocking the gun, “You can’t follow through with any goddamn plan, you make the stupidest decisions, and you always give me a goddamn headache when you talk.”

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