[Chapter 15] Six More To Go

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**Kenya’s POV**

“Just don’t come looking for me,” I said to Anthony as I hung up the phone.

“Good job, keeping it short and to the point. I like it,” Conscience exclaimed, he tried to take the phone out of my hands. “Kenya, give me the phone."

“Fuck you!” I yelled as I threw the phone at him. He caught it in his hand like he was some superhero or something.

I moved away from him, and covered my face with my hands. I had lost everything I loved, for now they were alive. But soon enough I would be forced to help kill my boyfriend, best friend, and most likely her boyfriend as well. What would he do to me after we finished, probably kill me as well. I was starting to freak out, and it was showing.

Just then, a pair of muscular arms snaked their way around my waist. “You know we never got to finish that kiss from earlier.” Conscience whispered in my ear and then started leaving soft kisses on my neck.

“No! Get the hell away from me, I hate you.” I told him as I stepped out of his hold.

“I’m so sorry.” He inched towards me, “What can I do to make it up to you?” He spun me around and pulled me towards him. I averted my eyes so I wouldn’t give into him, “Come on, look at me.” I ignored him and tried to pull away. But it was no use he latched onto my hips and pulled me even closer, “I said look at me!” He yelled.

I unwillingly looked up at him and he took his hand and placed it on my cheek. “You still haven’t answered my question. What can I do to make it up to you?"

“Nothing.” I spat at him,

“What about this?” He leaned in and began softly kissing all around my face. Even though I tried to fight him after, it was useless. “Or maybe this,” His hands snaked around my ass and he squeezed, causing me to gasp. He placed his head in the nape of my neck and this time he bit. I moaned and he laughed before pulling away, “Do you still hate me?”

“N-no,” I replied and tried to compose myself.

“Great…” He said before kissing me again. His kisses were being distributed all over my body. My legs were getting weak, Conscience must have noticed, because he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He broke our kiss to say, “Kenya I need you and I will have you.” I nodded my head. Man as evil as he was he sure knows how to drive a girl crazy for him.

-Rachael’s POV-

I woke up to no one in the hospital room, not even Grace, who should’ve been in the bed beside me. I scratched my head when I noticed the IVs in my arms and the heart monitor beeping constantly beside me.

Just then, a doctor walked into the room, “Ahh, Rachael! Good to see you’re up.”

“Where is Grace?” I asked him as he started writing some things down on the clipboard he had his hands. “Or Anthony? Or Joey?”

“Well, Anthony’s the guy with the dark brown emo hair, am I right?” I nodded my head yes. "And Joey was that other guy?" I shook my head. "Then yeah, the two of them and Grace all left about an hour ago."

"Wait...so you’re telling me she's discharged and I'm not?" I snapped at the doctor.

"You’re in much worse condition than she was, Miss Eckerson,” He disclosed to me. I rolled my eyes. Of course I’m in a much worse condition than her, I was tased. God knows what Luke did to her, though…  “I’m not sure when you’ll be discharged.”

“But I need to find Kenya!” I yelled at him. He gave me a confused look. I sighed, “Look, my boyfriend got a call from her, saying that she’s okay and that we shouldn’t come and find her. But I know her and…”

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