[Chapter 10] Break It Down

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-Luke's POV-

I watched as Kenya stormed out the front door, slamming it behind her and mumbling some things to herself before she hopped in her car and backed out of the driveway. I looked up at Rachael's opened window and smirked. This is exactly what I wanted. For their little group to turn against each other. I've got Kenya against Rachael, Rachael against Anthony, it was only a matter of time before Kenya and Joey turned on each other.

The next I know, I hear the front door open again. I walked around the side of the house and saw Rachael sitting on the porch, her head in her hands.

I walked up beside her and sat down next to her. She glanced over at me and then away from me. "What are you even doing here, Luke?" She murmured through the tears that began to fall from her eyes, "Because, no offense, but I just feel that ever since you arrived, all you've..."

I turned her head so she was facing me and pressed my lips against hers. She pulled away quickly and looked at me in shock, tears falling from her eyes still.

"You need to stop talking sometimes," I remarked, pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear. Her breathing picked up and I backed up from her. "What happened with Kenya? You didn't tell her did you?"

"No, she knows I am lying but I didn't tell her. And now she hates me."

"If she was really your friend, she wouldn't have walked out on you," I added.

"She walked out on me because I lied to her. Not because she wasn't really my friend."

"Or did she?" I questioned.

"Look, Luke I just..." She shook her head, "Could you just leave me alone right now? I'm really not in the mood to talk..."

I smirked, "Then let's not talk." I pulled her close to me and kissed her. She didn't pull away this time, I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her in closer to me to deepen the kiss.

"Wait," She said, pulling out of the kiss. I rolled my eyes. She seriously needed to stop talking sometimes. "I have a boyfriend, Luke."

"A boyfriend who doesn't give a shit about you."

"Sure he does," She tilted her head down, "He just doesn't know how to express it sometimes..."

"Stop trying to defend him, Rach," I growled at her as I pulled her even closer to me, "I wish you would see how he's been hurting you. He's not the good guy."

"And you're any better? You killed his best friend!"

"To show you what Anthony is really like."

Her eyes widened and she backed away from me, standing up, "So you admit to killing him?"

"For you, I'd admit anything," I rose to my feet as well.

She smirked, "You realize that you just admitted to killing Ian Hecox, right?"

I slipped my hands around her waist and sighed, "That's not important, Rach. He was useless anyways. What's important is what's about to happen between you and me..." I pulled her into a kiss for the third time. I reached for the front door's doorknob, opened it, and directed her inside, our lips stayed interlocked.

We stumbled up the stairs into her room, I gently laid her down on the bed and continued to kiss her. I slipped my hands under her sweatshirt, making her jump when my cold hands touched her skin. "Rachael, I want you to beg me to keep going."

"What? Why?" She retorted.

"Just do it."

"Please keep... going?" She muttered unsurely as I sat back.

-SEQUEL TO MISSING- Murder (YouTube FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz